
Swedish Viva Group acquires Wine in Black

Cate­gory: Deals
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12. Febru­ary 2019

Stockholm/Berlin — Wine in Black, one of the leading online stores for high-quality wines in Germany, France, the Nether­lands, Austria and Switz­er­land, beco­mes part of the Swedish Viva Group, one of Scandinavia’s largest wine importers. Viva Group plans to further streng­then its growth trajec­tory with the Berlin-based retailer’s e‑commerce capa­bi­li­ties, while Wine in Black will bene­fit from the Swedish market leader’s global supplier rela­ti­onships. The acqui­si­tion alre­ady took place in Q4 2018 and will be formally closed in the coming weeks.

Emil Sall­näs, Mana­ging Part­ner of Viva Group: “Wine in Black has estab­lished a unique posi­tion in some of the largest and most attrac­tive Euro­pean markets for premium wines. We look forward to working with the Wine in Black team in Berlin and our teams in Scan­di­na­via to further acce­le­rate Wine in Black’s growth.”

Wine in Black was foun­ded in 2011. Foun­der and mana­ging direc­tor Stephan Linden (photo on the right) will leave the company after a tran­si­tio­nal phase in mid-2019 to devote hims­elf to new entre­pre­neu­rial projects. Wine in Black will be led by Chris­tian Fricke (photo left), who alre­ady joined Wine in Black as Mana­ging Direc­tor in Febru­ary 2018, and will conti­nue to act entre­pre­neu­ri­ally auto­no­mous and independent.

Stephan Linden: “As a start-up in a very compe­ti­tive market, we were very fort­u­nate to be able to attract such expe­ri­en­ced and successful venture capi­ta­lists as Project A,, btov, Black River Ventures and others. After we were able to deve­lop Wine in Black from zero to an eight-digit annual turno­ver, it is now exactly the right time to start the next growth phase of Wine in Black with a stra­te­gic part­ner. The Swedish Viva Group convin­ced us with its very entre­pre­neu­rial approach, global network and deep market under­stan­ding and will help Chris­tian and the manage­ment team to take Wine in Black to the next level.”

Chris­tian Fricke: “Wine in Black star­ted as a closed shop­ping club for premium wines. In the past two years, the model has under­gone major deve­lo­p­ment. Our custo­mers appre­ciate our cura­ted and ever-chan­­ging assort­ment to find exci­ting wines and further expand their know­ledge of wine. As a plat­form, we want to become the first port of call for anyone who wants to disco­ver new, high-quality wines. Viva Group shares our vision for the further deve­lo­p­ment of Wine in Black and will support us as a stra­te­gic part­ner in the further expan­sion in our core markets and beyond with a very long-term perspec­tive. I am very happy
about the new oppor­tu­ni­ties that this strong part­ner will create for the entire team and our market partners.”

Consul­tant Wine in Black GmbH:Vogel Heerma Waitz
Olga Balan­­dina-Luke advi­sed Berlin-based online wine retailer Wine in Black GmbH on its acqui­si­tion by Scandinavia’s largest wine importer Viva Group.

About Viva Group
Over the past 20 years, Viva Group ( has become the largest importer of wine and spirits in Scan­di­na­via. Through its subsi­dia­ries Chris Wine & Spirits, Giertz Vinim­port, The Wine Team, Wine­mar­ket and Iconic Wines, the company has a market share of nearly 25% at Systembo­la­get, the Swedish retail mono­poly. Inter­na­tio­nally, Viva Group is present with subsi­dia­ries in Finland, Norway, China and the UK. The Viva Group is also alre­ady repre­sen­ted in Germany by its life­­style-orien­­ted online store Wine a Porter.

About Wine in Black
Wine in Black is a leading online store for premium wine with a constantly chan­ging assort­ment of 300 wines at an average bottle price of 15 euros. The company is active in Germany, France, the Nether­lands, Austria and Switz­er­land. Wine in Black was foun­ded in 2011 and funded by leading Euro­pean venture capi­tal inves­tors, inclu­ding Project A Ventures, Black River Ventures,, Bright Capi­tal, Passion Capi­tal, btov, KFW, Keen Mind Ventures, and kaufDA / Bonial Inter­na­tio­nal Group foun­ders Chris­tian Gaiser and Tim Marbach. For more infor­ma­tion about Wine in Black, visit

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