
Solvay sells phosphorus chemicals business to Lanxess

Cate­gory: Deals
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11. April 2018

Frank­furt / New York- Lincoln Inter­na­tio­nal, one of the leading inter­na­tio­nal M&A advi­sory firms for mid-sized tran­sac­tions, is plea­sed to announce that the Belgian specialty chemi­cals group Solvay SA (“Solvay”) has successfully sold its phos­pho­rus chemi­cals busi­ness, inclu­ding its US produc­tion site in Charleston/South Caro­lina, to the specialty chemi­cals group Lanxess AG.

Lincoln Inter­na­tio­nal was the exclu­sive M&A advi­sor on the sell side and supported Solvay throug­hout the acqui­si­tion process inclu­ding process manage­ment, valua­tion, due dili­gence and nego­tia­ti­ons. Lincoln has thus comple­ted its 15th “chemi­cals” tran­sac­tion in the last 12 months.

Solvay is an inter­na­tio­nal chemi­cal group whose versa­tile special­ties help solve socie­tal chal­lenges. In close part­ner­ship with custo­mers world­wide, the Group deve­lops inno­va­tions for a wide range of appli­ca­ti­ons, for exam­ple in aircraft, auto­mo­bi­les, mobile devices and medi­cal tech­no­logy, in batte­ries or in the extra­c­tion of mine­rals and oil. Solvay contri­bu­tes to sustaina­bi­lity — with light­weight mate­ri­als for clea­ner mobi­lity, with formu­la­ti­ons that opti­mize resource consump­tion, and with high-perfor­­mance chemi­cals that improve air and water quality. The Solvay Group, head­quar­te­red in Brussels, employs around 27,000 people in 58 count­ries and gene­ra­ted sales of 10.9 billion euros in 2016, 90 percent of which came from busi­ness acti­vi­ties in which the Group ranks among the top 3 world­wide. More infor­ma­tion can be found at


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