
Munich — SKW Schwarz has advi­sed the Munich-based IT secu­rity company Crash­test Secu­rity GmbH on the sale of its mate­rial assets to Vera­code Inc, USA. The tran­sac­tion was carried out as a stra­te­gic exit in the form of an asset deal. The manage­ment team led by Felix Brom­ba­cher and René Milz­arek will work for the Vera­code Group in the future and drive expan­sion in the Euro­pean market.

Vera­code is a leading global provi­der of Appli­ca­tion Secu­rity Test­ing (AST) solu­ti­ons based in Burling­ton, Massa­chu­setts. Crash­test Security’s dyna­mic appli­ca­tion secu­rity test­ing (DAST) solu­tion is desi­gned to comple­ment the exis­ting DAST capa­bi­li­ties of Veracode’s Conti­nuous Soft­ware Secu­rity Plat­form and expand custo­mer access worldwide.

Crash­test Secu­rity, based in Munich, was foun­ded in 2017. The solu­tion can analyze Java­Script-based apps, REST (Repre­sen­ta­tio­nal State Trans­fer) APIs, and tradi­tio­nal web apps, and auto­mate secu­rity test­ing by inte­gra­ting them into the soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment pipeline.

SKW Schwarz has accom­pa­nied Crash­test Secu­rity GmbH in the various finan­cing rounds since its foundation.

Advi­sors Crash­test Secu­rity GmbH: SKW Schwarz, Munich
Dr. Martin Bött­ger
(photo), Dr. Thomas Haus­beck (both Corporate/M&A, both lead), Heiko Wunder­lich (Tax Law), Dr. Martin Greß­lin (Labor Law), Dr. Daniel Meßmer (IT), Dr. Stefan Pein­tin­ger (Coun­sel, IT/Data Protection)

About SKW Schwarz

SKW Schwarz is an inde­pen­dent full-service law firm. With more than 120 lawy­ers at four loca­ti­ons in Germany, the firm advi­ses in all rele­vant areas of busi­ness law. At the end of 2018, the firm foun­ded SKW Schwarz @ Tech GmbH, in which the lawy­ers bundle all acti­vi­ties in the area of legal tech across loca­ti­ons and disciplines.

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