News-Kategorie: Deals

Weil advises KME AG on 300 million euro bond issue

Osna­brück, Germany — The German manu­fac­tu­rer of copper products, KME, issues a bond with a volume of €300 million. The bond (A2G8U5) pays inves­tors a fixed annual inte­rest rate of 6.75% until matu­rity on Feb. 1, 2023. This is paid in April and Octo­ber of each year. The issue price was 98.953%, which repre­sen­ted a spread of +693 bps over the compa­ra­ble Bund. The wholly owned subsi­diary of the Milan-based Intek Group S.p.A. included three addi­tio­nal termi­na­tion dates in the terms and condi­ti­ons of the issue, in addi­tion to a Make Whole option.

The Frank­furt office of the inter­na­tio­nal law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP advi­sed KME AG, an inter­na­tio­nally active manu­fac­tu­rer of copper and copper alloys, on the successful place­ment of a high-yield bond with a volume of EUR 300 million and a matu­rity date of 2023. The proceeds of the issue will be used to redeem exis­ting liabilities.

The place­ment of the bond issued by KME AG to insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors was mana­ged by Gold­man Sachs Inter­na­tio­nal, BNP PARIBAS and Deut­sche Bank as Global Co-ordi­na­tors and Joint Book­run­ners. KME AG’s capi­tal market debut with this bond follows a successful inter­nal reor­ga­niza­tion with signi­fi­cant increa­ses in value added.

Weil’s advi­sory team was led by Frank­furt part­ner Michael Kohl (Banking & Finance) and supported by part­ners Dr. Wolf­ram Distler (Banking & Finance, Frank­furt) and Dr. Ingo Kleut­gens (Tax, Frank­furt), coun­sel Dr. Heiner Drüke (Capi­tal Markets, Frank­furt) and Frank­furt asso­cia­tes Julia Schum, Stef­fen Giolda and para­le­gal Nico Schub­art (all Banking & Finance, Frankfurt).

Weil has been advi­sing the Osna­brück-based KME Group for many years on its inter­na­tio­nal bank finan­cing (borro­wing base finan­cing) as well as multi-juris­dic­tional factoring.

FAZIT-STIFTUNG sells Frankfurt media group to ZHH

Frank­furt a. M. — FAZIT-STIFTUNG, which includes Frank­fur­ter Allge­meine Zeitung GmbH as well as Frank­fur­ter Socie­tät GmbH, and Zeitungs­hol­ding Hessen (“ZHH”), owned by Ippen Medi­en­gruppe and the Rempel family’s MDV-Medi­en­gruppe, have reached an agree­ment on the sale of Medi­en­gruppe Frank­furt to ZHH. The sale is still subject to appr­oval by the anti­trust authorities.

The Frank­furt Media Group compri­ses the Frank­fur­ter Rund­schau, the Frank­fur­ter Neue Presse with its regio­nal editi­ons, the adver­ti­sing jour­nal Mix am Mitt­woch, the marke­ting company RheinMain.Media, the digi­tal agency Rhein-Main.Net and the Frank­fur­ter Societäts-Druckerei.

Advi­sor to FAZIT-STIFTUNG: Henge­ler Mueller 
Active were the part­ners Dr. Joachim Rosen­gar­ten(photo(Corporate/M&A, Frank­furt), Dr. Alf-Henrik Bischke (Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf), Dr. Ernst-Thomas Kraft (Tax, Frank­furt) and Dr. Fabian Alex­an­der Quast (Public Commer­cial Law, Berlin), Coun­sel Dr. Markus Ernst (Tax, Munich) and Asso­cia­tes Dr. Thomas Lang, Till Wans­le­ben (both Corporate/M&A, Frank­furt), Dr. Phil­ipp Otto Neideck (Anti­trust, Düssel­dorf) and Dr. Peter Diete­rich (Public Commer­cial Law, Berlin).

FGvW advises Knauf on acquisition of Opitz Holzbau

Frei­burg — The Bros. Knauf KG, based in Ipho­fen, took over all shares in the Neurup­pin-based family company Opitz Holz­bau GmbH & Co KG at the turn of the year. The globally active manu­fac­tu­rer of buil­ding mate­ri­als and cons­truc­tion systems is thus streng­thening its commit­ment to the future market of light­weight cons­truc­tion. Opitz Holz­bau specia­li­zes in the produc­tion and marke­ting of prefa­bri­ca­ted light­weight cons­truc­tion elements, in this case mainly wooden panel buil­ding elements. With the sale, the family busi­ness sett­les the company succes­sion. Knauf will conti­nue to operate Opitz as an inde­pen­dent company at the exis­ting site.

The family-run tradi­tio­nal company Opitz is one of the leading suppli­ers of carpen­try and prefa­bri­ca­ted cons­truc­tion compa­nies in the field of join­ery, nail plate trus­ses and wooden panel buil­ding elements in Germany. In the modern future factory of Opitz Holz­bau in Neurup­pin (Bran­den­burg), the company manu­fac­tures, among other things, wall, roof and ceiling elements for buil­dings in low-energy and passive cons­truc­tion. Opitz Holz­bau will be contin­ued by Knauf as an inde­pen­dent company. In addi­tion to the clas­sic busi­ness, the sale of wooden panel buil­ding elements, Knauf is plan­ning to manu­fac­ture light­weight steel buil­ding elements for faca­des, walls and ceilings in Neuruppin.

The Knauf Group is one of the leading inter­na­tio­nal manu­fac­tu­r­ers of buil­ding mate­ri­als and buil­ding systems. Knauf is repre­sen­ted by produc­tion faci­li­ties and sales orga­niza­ti­ons in more than 86 count­ries at over 220 loca­ti­ons world­wide. Knauf plants produce modern drywall systems, plas­ters and access­ories, ther­mal insu­la­tion compo­site systems, paints, flowing screeds and floo­ring systems, machi­nes and tools for the appli­ca­tion of these products as well as insu­la­tion mate­ri­als. In fiscal 2016, the Knauf Group gene­ra­ted annual sales of 6.5 billion euros with around 27,400 employees worldwide.

In the context of the tran­sac­tion, Knauf was advi­sed by a corpo­rate and M&A team of the commer­cial law firm Fried­rich Graf von West­pha­len & Part­ner in Frei­burg and Frank­furt under the lead of FGvW part­ner Dr. Barbara Mayer (photo) provi­ded compre­hen­sive advice in all legal areas: from legal due dili­gence to contract nego­tia­ti­ons and labor law issues to the closing. FGvW has acted for Knauf for many years; in parti­cu­lar, FGvW part­ner Gerhard Manz has advi­sed on nume­rous tran­sac­tions for the company in recent years. Opitz Holz­bau was advi­sed on the tran­sac­tion by lawy­ers from Warth & Klein Grant Thorn­ton in Düsseldorf.

Advi­sor Knauf Group: Fried­rich Graf von West­pha­len & Partner
Dr. Barbara Mayer, Part­ner (Lead Part­ner, Corpo­rate, M&A), Freiburg
Gerhard Manz, Part­ner (Corpo­rate, M&A), Freiburg
Julia Rein­hardt, Asso­ciate (Corpo­rate)
Frie­de­rike Schäff­ler, Part­ner (Real Estate, State Aid Law)
Dr. Sabine Schrö­ter, Part­ner (Labor Law), Frankfurt
Susanne Lüdde­cke, Local Part­ner (Labor Law), Frank­furt­A­bout Fried­rich Graf von

About West­pha­len & Partner
Fried­rich Graf von West­pha­len & Part­ner is one of the leading inde­pen­dent German commer­cial law firms. The firm’s appro­xi­m­ately 85 lawy­ers, 31 of whom are part­ners, advise compa­nies world­wide from offices in Colo­gne, Frei­burg, Frank­furt am Main, Alicante and Brussels, as well as from coope­ra­tion offices in Shang­hai, São Paulo and Istan­bul. In total, the firm has around 200 employees. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

ARQIS advises Katjes on investment in Candy Kittens

Düssel­dorf / London — ARQIS advi­sed Katjes Fassin GmbH & Co KG (Katjes Germany) on its invest­ment in the British start-up Candy Kittens.

Foun­ded in London in 2012 by Jamie Laing (photo left), star of the British TV series ‘Made in Chel­sea’, and Ed Williams (photo right), the company has quickly become one of the UK’s best-known candy brands with its inno­va­tive gour­met sweets in authen­tic flavors and origi­nal pack­a­ging. All products are gluten-free and are made without arti­fi­cial flavors or colors.

ARQIS regu­larly advi­ses the Katjes Group on tran­sac­tions. The firm also advi­sed the confec­tion­ery manu­fac­tu­rer in 2016 on its entry into Veganz, Europe’s pioneer in vegan food, and in previous years on its acqui­si­ti­ons of confec­tion­ery produ­cers Pias­ten and Dallmann.

Advi­sors Katjes Germany: ARQIS Attor­neys at Law 
Dr. Jörn-Chris­tian Schulze (Lead; Corporate/M&A), Marcus Noth­hel­fer (IP; Munich); Asso­cia­tes: Thomas Chwa­lek (Corporate/M&A), Dr. Phil­ipp Maier (IP; Munich)
Reynolds Porter Cham­ber­lain (London): Nigel Coll­ins et al (UK law)

ARQIS is an inde­pen­dent busi­ness law firm opera­ting in Germany and Japan. The firm was foun­ded in 2006 at its current offices in Düssel­dorf, Munich and Tokyo. Around 45 lawy­ers advise dome­stic and foreign compa­nies at the highest level on the core issues of German and Japa­nese busi­ness law. The focus is on M&A, corpo­rate law, private equity, venture capi­tal, employ­ment law, private clients as well as intellec­tual property and liti­ga­tion. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

Yantai Taihai Group acquires Duisburg Tubes Production

Paris/Hamburg/Frankfurt/Yantai (China) — The Yantai Taihai Group based in Yantai, China, has taken over the busi­ness opera­ti­ons of the insol­vent Duis­burg Tubes Produc­tion AG (DTP). The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the purchase price.

The Chinese group was compre­hen­si­vely advi­sed on the tran­sac­tion by an inter­na­tio­nal M&A team from Bryan Cave in Paris, Hamburg and Frank­furt, led by part­ner Fabrice Bouquier in France and part­ner Dr. Michael Leue and coun­sel Dr. Huber­tus Schrö­der in Germany. In France, the tran­sac­tion was also advi­sed by DeHeng-Shi & Chen Associés.

DTP is parti­cu­larly active in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of precis­ion zirco­nium tubes for use in the nuclear indus­try. The company emer­ged from the French AREVA Group as part of a group carve-out in 2014. In April 2016, DTP had filed an appli­ca­tion to open insol­vency procee­dings in self-admi­nis­tra­tion with the Duis­burg Local Court. Attor­ney Martin Lambrecht of the law firm Lambrecht, Düssel­dorf, was appoin­ted as admi­nis­tra­tor, and Jochen Glück of Pluta Manage­ment GmbH was appoin­ted as restruc­tu­ring direc­tor. Pluta also provi­ded legal advice to DTP under the leader­ship of attor­ney Markus Fünning.

Follo­wing the issu­ance of the clearance certi­fi­cate by the German Fede­ral Minis­try for Econo­mic Affairs and Energy, the tran­sac­tion has now been successfully closed.

About Yantai Taihai Group 
Yantai Taihai Group is a priva­tely owned Chinese inter­na­tio­nal indus­trial group that is exten­si­vely enga­ged in metal proces­sing and as a supplier to the energy indus­try. In Europe, the Yantai Taihai Group is mainly repre­sen­ted through its invest­ment in the French Manoir Group.

Advi­sor Yantai Taihai Group: Bryan Cave
Fabrice Bouquier, Part­ner (Lead, Corpo­rate, M&A), Paris

Bryan Cave Hamburg
Dr. Michael Leue, Part­ner (Lead Part­ner, Corpo­rate, M&A)
Dr. Huber­tus Schrö­der, Coun­sel (Lead Part­ner, Corpo­rate, M&A)
Tonio Sadoni, Asso­ciate (Corpo­rate, M&A)
Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Karacz, Asso­ciate (Corpo­rate, M&A)
Dr. Martin Lüde­ritz, Coun­sel (Labor Law)
Jens Peters, Asso­ciate (Labor Law)
Domi­nik Weiß, Coun­sel (IP)

Bryan Cave Frank­furt: Stefan Skulesch, Of Coun­sel (Tax)

Deheng-Shi & Chen Asso­ciés Paris
Renlin Shi, Part­ner (Corpo­rate)

About Bryan Cave LLP
Bryan Cave LLP ( is one of the leading inter­na­tio­nal law firms with appro­xi­m­ately 900 attor­neys in 25 offices throug­hout the United States, Europe and Asia. The firm advi­ses a wide range of clients from corpo­ra­ti­ons to finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons and orga­niza­ti­ons to indi­vi­du­als. These include inter­na­tio­nal corpo­ra­ti­ons, large and medium-sized family busi­nesses, part­ner­ships, non-profit orga­niza­ti­ons and start-ups.

SDAX candidate: Dermapharm brings 25% percent to the stock exchange

Berlin — The initial public offe­ring of Derm­a­ph­arm has star­ted. The offer period runs until Febru­ary 8. The manu­fac­tu­rer has set a range of 26 to 30 euros. The total volume of the offe­ring is thus expec­ted to be around EUR 350 to 404 million. Since Wilhelm Beier (photo), the company’s CEO, only wants to place 25 percent of the shares, he could make a good cut compared to the sale plan­ned in 2016.

A total of 13.455 million shares are to be offe­red to inves­tors. Of these, 3.84 million will come from a capi­tal increase and 7.86 million from Beier and his family. In addi­tion, an over-allot­ment option (green­shoe) for 1.755 million shares owned by the company foun­der is plan­ned. Should all shares be sold, the free float would amount to appro­xi­m­ately 25 percent. Derm­a­ph­arm would thus be valued at 1.4 to 1.6 billion euros. The plan­ned sale to finan­cial inves­tors, which was later cancel­led, was worth 1.1 billion euros a year ago. Accor­ding to media reports, the finan­cial inves­tors BC Part­ners and Nordic Capi­tal each offe­red slightly more than one billion euros. .

The money raised in the IPO — around 100 to 115 million euros from the capi­tal increase — is to be used to expand a produc­tion faci­lity, and a new produc­tion plant is also to be built in Austria. Derm­a­ph­arm also intends to expand inter­na­tio­nally. Further acqui­si­ti­ons are plan­ned, as well as bran­ches in the Bene­lux count­ries and in the Czech Repu­blic and Slova­kia. For share buyers, 50 to 60 percent of profits are to be paid out as divi­dends in the very first year.

New products in the pipeline
New products are also spur­ring expan­sion, with 40 curr­ently in the plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion stages. Of these, 28 are to be brought to market by 2023. In order to make itself look good for the IPO, Derm­a­ph­arm acqui­red two compa­nies, Tromms­dorff and Strath­mann, at the end of last year. Recently, Bio-Diät Berlin has also become part of Dermapharm.

About Derm­a­ph­arm
Derm­a­ph­arm manu­fac­tures off-patent drugs (gene­rics) and sells them prima­rily in Germany, a market which in and of itself can be conside­red very solid, albeit compe­ti­tive. The vitamin D prepa­ra­tion Dekris­tol 20,000 I.U. accoun­ted for around 7.5 percent of sales in 2016.

Instone Real Estate plans to go public in 2018

Frank­furt a. Main — IPO: Instone Real Estate is accom­pa­nied by Sulli­van & Crom­well to the Prime Stan­dard in Frank­furt a. M.. The resi­den­tial cons­truc­tion specia­list aims to raise 150 million euros with the IPO . The company itself is talking about an IPO in the course of 2018. Howe­ver, many obser­vers suspect that the premiere will take place before Easter and specu­late on a stock market value of one billion euros. On the banking side, Credit Suisse and Deut­sche Bank lead the consortium.

If all goes accor­ding to plan, Instone will place exis­ting shares and newly issued shares via a capi­tal increase. In addi­tion to Instone, the previous share­hol­der, the finan­cial inves­tor Acti­vum SG, also intends to place its shares on the market. Exactly how many papers will be placed has not yet been deter­mi­ned. — Instone intends to invest the lion’s share of the plan­ned stock market proceeds, around 100 million euros, in project deve­lo­p­ment. Another 50 million will be used to repay exis­ting loans.

A few months ago, the value of Instone projects was esti­ma­ted at almost 870 million euros. This includes more than 8,000 apart­ments in major cities and surroun­ding regi­ons throug­hout Germany. The Essen-based group emer­ged from the merger of a former Hoch­tief subsi­diary Formart with real estate deve­lo­per GRK. GRK was essen­ti­ally specia­li­zed in the refur­bish­ment of listed old buil­dings. Formart had been part of Acti­vum since 2014.

On the banking side, Deut­sche Bank and Credit Suisse are in action. The consor­tium also includes Morgan Stan­ley, BNP Pari­bas and Unicredit.

Advi­sors to Instone: Sulli­van & Crom­well (Frank­furt)
Dr. Cars­ten Berrar (lead), Dr. Krys­tian Czer­niecki; Asso­ciate: Phil­ipp Klöck­ner (all capi­tal markets law)
Noerr (Berlin): Felix Blobel (Corpo­rate), Dr. Cars­ten Heinz (Tax)
Nauta Dutilh (Amster­dam): no mentions

Advi­sors to banks: Fresh­fields Bruck­haus Derin­ger (Frank­furt)
Dr. Mark Strauch (Capi­tal Markets), Rick van Aers­sen (Banking and Finance); Asso­cia­tes: Dr. Kai Werner, Ivan Las Heras (both Capi­tal Markets)
Inhouse Legal (Deut­sche Bank; Frank­furt): Joachim Schelm
Inhouse Legal (Credit Suisse; Frank­furt): Dr. Ann-Katrin Wilczek

Weiderer Group sells personnel services division to TimePartner

Hamburg/Frankfurt - Weide­rer HoldingGmbH, based in Deggen­dorf, Germany, has sold its person­nel services divi­sion to the TimePart­ner Group, one of Germany’s leading person­nel service provi­ders. The sale compri­sed all shares held by the Weide­rer Group in Aartos Perso­nal­ser­vice, Weide­rer Perso­nal­dienste and opTEAMum Perso­nal­dienst­leis­tun­gen. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the sales price. The German Fede­ral Cartel Office has alre­ady appro­ved the transaction.

Weide­rer was compre­hen­si­vely advi­sed on the tran­sac­tion by a Bryan Cave M&A team in Hamburg and Frank­furt, led by part­ner Dr. Michael Leue and coun­sel Dr. Huber­tus Schröder.

With the sale, the Weide­rer Group is with­dra­wing from the employee leasing sector after 26 years in order to focus enti­rely on acti­vi­ties in the deve­lo­p­ment of indus­trial proper­ties and the opera­tion of solar plants. In total, more than 1,000 exter­nal employees will be employed in the dive­s­ted busi­ness. The total reve­nue of the compa­nies in the tempo­rary staf­fing sector that are part of Weide­rer Holding GmbH amoun­ted to appro­xi­m­ately €30 million in fiscal year 2016, and an increase to around €36 million is expec­ted for 2017. The dive­s­ted compa­nies operate with a regio­nal focus in Bava­ria and also operate recruit­ment sites in the Czech Republic.

TimePart­ner is a leading German person­nel service provi­der with appro­xi­m­ately 8,000 employees and around 100 bran­ches nati­on­wide. TimePart­ner has been part of the Euro­pean tempo­rary staf­fing group House of HR, based in Roesel­are, Belgium, since 2016. TimePart­ner was legally advi­sed by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek under the lead of Stutt­gart part­ner Dr. Peter Ladwig.

Advi­sor Weide­rer Holding GmbH: Bryan Cave Hamburg
Dr. Michael Leue, Part­ner (Lead Part­ner, Corpo­rate, M&A)
Dr. Huber­tus Schrö­der, Coun­sel (Lead Part­ner, Corpo­rate, M&A)
Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Karacz, Asso­ciate (Corpo­rate, M&A)
Dr. Martin Lüde­ritz, Coun­sel (Labor Law)
Domi­nik Weiß, Coun­sel (IP)
Bryan Cave Frank­furt: Stefan Skulesch, Of Coun­sel (Tax)

About Bryan Cave LLP
Bryan Cave LLP is one of the leading inter­na­tio­nal law firms with appro­xi­m­ately 900 attor­neys in 25 offices throug­hout the United States, Europe and Asia. The firm advi­ses a wide range of clients from corpo­ra­ti­ons to finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons and orga­niza­ti­ons to indi­vi­du­als. These include inter­na­tio­nal corpo­ra­ti­ons, large and medium-sized family busi­nesses, part­ner­ships, non-profit orga­niza­ti­ons and start-ups. Based on many years of trustful coope­ra­tion, exten­sive legal expe­ri­ence, inno­va­tive strength and a colla­bo­ra­tive corpo­rate culture, we support our clients in the most important econo­mic and finan­cial markets — with a clear focus on tran­sac­tions, liti­ga­tion and regulation.

Gleiss Lutz advises Linde on the sale of TEGA to DCC

Munich — Gleiss Lutz has advi­sed Linde AG in the auction procee­dings for the sale of TEGA ‑Tech­ni­sche Gase und Gasetech­nik GmbH. The buyer is DCC Germany Holding GmbH, a subsi­diary of the Irish company DCC. The tran­sac­tion is expec­ted to be comple­ted in the first quar­ter of 2018 follo­wing appr­oval by the rele­vant anti­trust autho­ri­ties. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the sales price.

Tega — Tech­ni­sche Gase und Gasetech­nik GmbH specia­li­zes in the liquid gas and refri­ger­ant busi­ness and has five loca­ti­ons throug­hout Germany. It most recently achie­ved annual sales of 75 million euros.

Linde achie­ved sales of €16.948 billion in the 2016 finan­cial year, making it one of the world’s leading gases and engi­nee­ring compa­nies. With around 60,000 employees, the Group is repre­sen­ted in more than 100 countries.

The inter­na­tio­nally active services group DCC is listed on the London Stock Exch­ange in the FTSE 100. In the past fiscal year, the company gene­ra­ted sales of over 12 billion euros.

Sandra Albrecht (M&A) and Georg Terhorst (anti­trust) advi­sed Linde AG on the transaction.

For Linde AG, the follo­wing Gleiss Lutzwas-Team active: Dr. Ralf Mors­häu­ser (Lead), Dr. Rainer Loges (both Part­ner), Dr. Tobias Falk­ner (Coun­sel), Moritz Alex­an­der Riese­ner, Dr. Johan­nes Witt­mann (all Corporate/M&A), Dr. Matthias Werner (Coun­sel, IP/IT, all Munich), Dr. Phil­ipp Naab (Coun­sel, Real Estate, Frank­furt), Dr. Johann Wagner (Part­ner), Dr. Hendrik Marchal (Coun­sel), Dr. Jens Wrede (all Tax, all Hamburg), Dr. Petra Lins­meier, Dr. Ingo Brin­ker (both Part­ners), Kath­rin Haag (all Anti­trust, all Munich) and Dr. Jacob von Andreae (Part­ner, Public Law, Düsseldorf).

BKW Group acquires hydraulic engineering experts WALD+CORBE

Munich/ Bern (Switz­er­land) — The BKW Group, head­quar­te­red in Bern, Switz­er­land has acqui­red the WALD + CORBE Group, head­quar­te­red in Hügels­heim, Baden-Würt­tem­berg. Rödl & Part­ner provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to the BKW Group. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the purchase price.


WALD + CORBE reali­zes natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal projects in the fields of water manage­ment, hydrau­lic engi­nee­ring and infra­struc­ture. In addi­tion, there are services in the fields of ecology, envi­ron­ment and survey­ing. In doing so, WALD + CORBE can draw on broad and deep expe­ri­ence gained from a large number of projects. In recent deca­des, for exam­ple, more than 100 flood reten­tion basins have been plan­ned and super­vi­sed in terms of civil engineering.

Since its foun­ding, the BKW Group has been active in the field of engi­nee­ring and has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the realiza­tion of large-scale projects, infra­struc­ture and power plant cons­truc­tion, as well as in the areas of flood protec­tion and water­course plan­ning. BKW is conti­nuously expan­ding its engi­nee­ring network in Europe. The goal here is to be able to offer holi­stic solu­ti­ons for infra­struc­ture and envi­ron­ment as well as plant design & safety. As an inter­na­tio­nally active energy and infra­struc­ture company, the BKW Group employs around 6,000 people.

The entry of WALD + CORBE adds a valuable member to the BKW Engi­nee­ring network. The BKW Group is thus incre­asingly tapping the southwest of Germany for its services. The company streng­thens BKW’s exis­ting compe­ten­cies mainly in the areas of water manage­ment, hydrau­lic engi­nee­ring and infrastructure.

The BKW Group was advi­sed by a specia­li­zed M&A team of Rödl & Part­ner in the course of the tran­sac­tion. The compre­hen­sive legal advice was provi­ded under the lead of Part­ner Michael Wiehl and by Asso­ciate Part­ner Michael Beder. The acqui­si­tion was supported by Asso­ciate Part­ner Chris­toph Hinz and Part­ner Florian Kaiser from a busi­ness manage­ment and tax perspective.

Rödl & Partner’s proven team has been conti­nuously assis­ting BKW in M&A tran­sac­tions in Germany and abroad for seve­ral years, such as the acqui­si­tion of the Lind­schulte Group in Nort­hern Germany, the acqui­si­tion of ASSMANN BERATEN + PLANEN AG from Berlin, the acqui­si­tion of the Eigen­schenk Group in Bava­ria and the take­over of the photo­vol­taic service provi­der Solare Daten­sys­teme (SDS).

Advi­sor BKW Group: Rödl & Part­ner Nurem­berg — Legal
Michael Wiehl, Attor­ney at Law, Part­ner (Lead Part­ner, M&A)
Dr. Michael Braun, Attor­ney at Law, Asso­ciate Part­ner (Labor Law, Legal Due Diligence)
Sebas­tian Dittrich, Attor­ney at Law, Asso­ciate (Legal Due Diligence)

Rödl & Part­ner Munich — Legal
Thomas Fräbel, Attor­ney at Law, Part­ner (M&A, Corpo­rate Law)
Michael Beder, Attor­ney at Law, Asso­ciate Part­ner (M&A, Corpo­rate Law, Anti­trust Law)
Regina Henf­ling, Attor­ney at Law, Senior Asso­ciate (M&A, Corpo­rate Law, Legal Due Diligence)

Rödl & Part­ner Munich — Financial
Chris­toph Hinz, Diplom-Betriebs­wirt, Asso­ciate Part­ner (Project Manage­ment Finan­cial Due Dili­gence); Enrico Diener, Senior Asso­ciate (Finan­cial Due Diligence)

Rödl & Part­ner Nurem­berg — Tax
Florian Kaiser, Tax Advi­sor, Part­ner (Project Manage­ment Tax, Structuring)
Julian Schu­bert, M.Sc., Asso­ciate (Tax Due Diligence)

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