FYB Company Profile

With the goal of streng­thening Hamburg’s startup scene, Innovationsstarter
Fonds Hamburg invests in young inno­va­tive compa­nies in Hamburg. The fund has a volume of € 40 million. The money is provi­ded by the Free and
Hansea­tic City of Hamburg and the Euro­pean Fund for Regio­nal Development
(EFRE). Provi­sion is made for open-ended invest­ments in corpo­ra­ti­ons up to a maxi­mum of € 1.5 million. Up to € 0.8 million can b e inves­ted per finan­cing round. Joint invest­ments with private inves­tors are possi­ble, but the fund can also invest alone. The focus of the Inno­va­ti­ons­star­ter Fonds is on poten­ti­ally high-growth compa­nies from Hamburg that are less than five years old and whose busi­ness model is based on an inno­va­tive tech­no­logy they have deve­lo­ped themselves.

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