FYB Company Profile

Board Xperts GmbH was foun­ded in 2006 and is a leading procu­rer of expe­ri­en­ced super­vi­sory boards, advi­sory boards as well as indus­try experts. Our clients include in parti­cu­lar family-run compa­nies from the upper mid-tier, capi­tal market-orien­ted compa­nies, private equity houses and other finan­cial inves­tors as well as corpo­rate finance service provi­ders. Only persons with appro­priate quali­fi­ca­ti­ons will be conside­red for appoint­ment to a super­vi­sory board or advi­sory board. In advance, requi­re­ment profiles deri­ved from the stra­te­gic goals of the company and a corre­spon­ding compe­tence matrix are defi­ned for the entire super­vi­sory or advi­sory board. Our credo: It is better to staff an advi­sory board or super­vi­sory board with a few, highly quali­fied people and then pay them appro­pria­tely. At Board Xperts, a network of over 3,500 perso­na­li­ties with leader­ship expe­ri­ence covers largely all indus­tries and specia­list depart­ments, and forms the pool for the place­ment of highly quali­fied super­vi­sory and advi­sory board members.

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