FYB Company Profile

Our part­ners have many years of profes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence inclu­ding inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­ence in specia­list and manage­ment posi­ti­ons. They are only invol­ved in tasks with which they are enti­rely fami­liar. We know what you are talking about because we speak your language, and we know what we are talking about because we only under­take work about which we have expert know­ledge. We move confi dently in change situa­tions and, where restruc­tu­ring and growth contexts are concer­ned, we take on the roles of inte­rim mana­ger (inclu­ding board func­tions), (multi-)project mana­ger, project employee with specia­list exper­tise and manage­ment coach. Respect for entre­pre­neu­rial perfor­mance, relia­bi­lity, loyalty and concre­tely measura­ble result quality are the central compon­ents of our value system. – We keep going where others give up.

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