FYB Company Profile

ABG Marke­ting offers the clas­sic agency port­fo­lio. We analyze, advise and design in all commu­ni­ca­tion matters: from the crea­tion of a brand or brand rene­wal to stra­te­gic commu­ni­ca­tion concepts, print media or websites. We devote oursel­ves to the topics of the execu­ti­ves as well as those of the employees. After all, commu­ni­ca­tion is not only direc­ted towards the outside, but also to the inside. We support in all entre­pre­neu­rial phases: foun­da­tion, growth, succes­sion and reor­ga­niza­tion. Full service goes even further for us, we take the complete care of our custo­mers lite­rally. We expand our exper­tise in busi­ness analy­sis, commu­ni­ca­ti­ons consul­ting, stra­tegy and public rela­ti­ons by the strength of the advi­sory group ABG-Part­ner, which in addi­tion to the commu­ni­ca­tion consul­tants also brings toge­ther legal and tax experts, manage­ment consul­tants and audi­tors. In this way, we can truly support entre­pre­neurs in a holi­stic way.

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