FYB Company Profile

Science4Life is an inde­pen­dent German initia­tive that supports foun­ders of start-up compa­nies and young entre­pre­neurs in the areas of life scien­ces, chemis­try and the energy indus­try on a pro-bono basis. Science4Life star­ted its acti­vi­ties in 1998 as a non-profit orga­niza­tion. Its initia­tors and main spon­sors are the Govern­ment of Hesse and the Sanofi corporation.
Foun­ders and young entre­pre­neurs are invi­ted to take part in the annual busi­ness plan compe­ti­tion “Science4Life Venture Cup” (life science, chemis­try) or “Science4Life Energy Cup”. Both acti­vi­ties give signi­fi­cant support to trans­late inno­va­tive busi­ness ideas into econo­mic success. The Science4Life Venture Cup is by far the biggest busi­ness plan compe­ti­tion in these important future markets. Science4Life brings toge­ther expert know­ledge from more than 200 diffe­rent compa­nies and insti­tu­ti­ons from the life scien­ces and chemis­try sectors with more than 300 experts support­ing Science4Life. Since 1998 more than 9,000 parti­ci­pants have submit­ted over 2,800 busi­ness ideas.

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