FYB Company Profile

The Entre­pre­neurs Club is a service provi­der for entre­pre­neurs and family busi­nesses in stra­te­gi­cally rele­vant topics such as the place­ment of execu­ti­ves, the place­ment of direct invest­ments and succes­sion solu­ti­ons. As part of the Entre­pre­neurs Club ECosys­tem, the Entre­pre­neurs Club also offers plat­forms for perso­nal exch­ange and inspi­ring events on entre­pre­neu­ri­ally rele­vant issues for mana­ging direc­tors and share­hol­ders as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of exis­ting custo­mers. As a pioneer in the field, the Entre­pre­neurs Club has been working for almost 20 years, among other things, to “match” compa­nies that are up for sale, for exam­ple due to unre­sol­ved succes­sion, with succes­sors and inves­tors. In doing so, the Entre­pre­neurs Club pursues a very sustainable, quali­fied and value-orien­ted approach via perso­nal networ­king. The Entre­pre­neurs Club addres­ses the chall­enge of “tran­sac­tion“ in the context of entre­pre­neu­rial fami­lies with two quali­fied, focu­sed service approa­ches – EC Target Börse and EC Match Making.

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