FYB Company Profile

Bayern Inno­va­tiv is the gate­way to a vibrant inno­va­tion commu­nity: We link compa­nies with univer­si­ties and rese­arch insti­tu­tes, important compa­nies of the State of Bava­ria, orga­niza­ti­ons supported by the State of Bava­ria and many other tech­no­logy and know­ledge networks to form a strong think tank – the Thin­k­net Bayern.
Thin­k­net Bayern, which was set up by Bayern Inno­va­tiv, combi­nes experts and expert know­ledge with modern methods of inno­va­tion manage­ment. This makes Bayern Inno­va­tiv THE inno­va­tion plat­form for the Bava­rian economy. The networks focus on the exch­ange of infor­ma­tion on new deve­lo­p­ments in tech­no­logy-orien­ted topics such as digi­ta­liza­tion, energy, health, mate­ri­als and mobi­lity as well as the trans­fer of know­ledge with lesser-known – but no less important – sectors such as the cultu­ral and crea­tive indus­tries. Our aim is to estab­lish new connec­tions and break new ground time and again. After all, inno­va­tions are crea­ted not least of all by the joy of deal­ing with the new.

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