FYB Company Profile

The busi­ness unit Secu­ri­ties Services of BNP Pari­bas is a leading global custo­dian. With € 11,940 bn assets under cust­ody (AuC), € 2,298 bn assets under admi­nis­tra­tion (AuA) and 9,355 admi­nis­te­red funds, Secu­ri­ties Services is the leading provi­der of secu­ri­ties and fund admi­nis­tra­tion services in the euro zone.
Secu­ri­ties Services has 10,655 employees world­wide, and offers its asset servicing and admi­nis­tra­tion provi­sion to buyers and sellers alike in all asset clas­ses. The bank has subsi­dia­ries in 35 count­ries and our network covers more than 90 markets. The company offers proprie­tary cust­ody offices in 27 markets. Around 300 employees work locally for the bene­fit of our clients.
With € 626 bn assets under depo­si­tary (AuD), Secu­ri­ties Services is the largest player on the German market.

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