FYB Company Profile

Since 1994 IR CONSULT has been successfully active in the Euro­pean capi­tal markets. The highly expe­ri­en­ced and certi­fied IRC-team has helped a large number of well-known Euro­pean compa­nies from all stock-market sectors with nearly 100 successful inves­tor rela­ti­ons manda­tes and about 100 IPOs. Our focal areas are inde­pen­dent capi­tal market consul­tancy (M&A, PE, VC, start-up finan­cing, exit consul­ting, company value increase etc.), IPO advi­sory (STO, equi­ties, corpo­rate bonds and crowd funding) and inves­tor & credi­tor rela­ti­ons. Espe­ci­ally our unique, active and funda­men­tal IR approach with fact-book, equity story, presen­ta­tion, road­show, social media IR, inves­tors’ targe­ting and percep­tion study is highly rated by our custo­mers. Thus, we improve the realiza­tion chan­ces of all capi­tal market tran­sac­tions and acce­le­rate the decis­ion making process of the inves­tors. Finally, our custo­mers bene­fit from our well-foun­ded capi­tal market know-how, well estab­lished inter­na­tio­nal cont­act network and our indi­vi­dual consul­tancy services with fair pricing.

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