FYB Company Profile

Stab­wech­sel is the only one in the German-spea­king region to offer a matching plat­form for company sellers and their M&A advi­sors that is inde­pen­dent and on which company buyers, usually MBI candi­da­tes, are presen­ted and not the compa­nies for sale.
The selec­tion is initi­ally anony­mous, non-binding and free of charge. Only when cont­act is reques­ted with the candi­date does the seller or advi­sor reveal his iden­tity to Stab­wech­sel. Costs are only incur­red when a tran­sac­tion is concluded. Since 2011, Stab­wech­sel GmbH has estab­lished itself as a relia­ble pioneer in company succes­sion. The network focu­ses on non-family busi­ness succes­sion in German-spea­king SMEs.
The team of consul­tants, Stab­wech­sel accre­di­ted coaches, all of whom are succes­sion specia­lists with an affi­nity for medium-sized busi­nesses, guaran­tees confi­den­tial and profes­sio­nal cont­act initia­tion between company sellers or their advi­sors and pros­pec­tive buyers. In addi­tion to highly quali­fied MBI can-dida­tes, the network also provi­des access to capi­tal provi­ders for SMEs.

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