Munich/ Hamburg — Munich-based investment holding Armira has bought into German start-up Factor Eleven. Its main shareholders are giving up a majority stake in the company. The company was founded in 2014 by Alexander Anhuth and is based in Hamburg. Previous main shareholders and sellers of Factor Eleven are a family holding of the founder and CEO, Alexander Anhuth, and a family holding of the entrepreneur and investor Werner Dreesbach.
Factor Eleven says it is a leading technology company that provides advertisers with a one-stop software solution for their cross-channel campaigns. Founded in 2014 by Alexander Anhuth, the company uses proprietary algorithms and delivers not only Brand Safety, but also metrics-based and transparent billing. FACTOR ELEVEN is continuously developing its own technology stack to automate and simplify the process from campaign planning to billing. Campaigns can be planned and booked by all advertisers in both managed and self-service (software-as-a-service) mode. At the same time, the platform handles digital campaigns for over one thousand companies. Customers and partners include well-known companies from the corporate, agency and SME sectors. The company currently employs just under 100 people and is active on the Austrian and French markets in addition to the German market. Other international markets will follow.
The investment holding company Armira invests primarily in technology companies. It offers closed-end alternative investment funds that acquire equity interests in medium-sized companies in Germany and, where appropriate, in Austria and Switzerland. The focus is on family businesses and technology. The focus is on the long-term development of the companies.
Advisor Armira: Rödl & Partner
During the entire transaction, Armira was advised by a transaction team from Rödl & Partner specializing in financial issues. In addition to conducting a financial due diligence, the team provided ongoing advice on issues relevant to the purchase price in the share purchase agreement from the start of the project to signing. Partner Matthias Zahn was responsible for the overall project management. Associate Partner Michal Wilczek was responsible for the execution on this M&A deal.
Advisors to Armira Investment Holding: White & Case (London)
Gareth Eagles (Finance), Marcus Booth (Private Equity), Dr. Matthias Kiesewetter (M&A/Corporate; Hamburg), Emma Foster, Andreas Lischka (Frankfurt; both Finance), Phillip Vavalidis (Dubai), Hugo Schwarz Leite (both Private Equity), Markus Fischer (Finance; both Frankfurt), Moritz Müller-Buttmann (M&A/Corporate; Hamburg); Associates: Oliver Trotman, Jacob Heath (both Finance), Adnan Bekdur (all London), Thomas Jacques (both Private Equity), Tigran Saakyan (both Dubai), Moritz Schneider, Dr. Nico Frehse, Thorsten Eggert (all Corporate/M&A; all Hamburg)
Taxess (Frankfurt): Gerald Thomas (tax law) — known from the market
Advisor Factor Eleven: CMS Hasche Sigle (Munich)
Stefan-Ulrich Müller, Dr. Jessica Mohaupt-Schneider, Photo (© CMS) (both lead)
Dr. Jacob Siebert (all Corporate/Private Equity), Jörg Schrade (Tax Law), Dr. Markus Kaulartz (IT/Data Protection), Stefan Lüft (IP), Dr. Benedikt Forschner (Labor Law), Dr. André Frischemeier (Banking and Finance Law), Stefan Lehr (Antitrust Law), Dr. Stefan Höß (Real Estate Law/Public Law), Dr. Christoph Küster (Corporate/Private Equity), Dr. Christoph Ceele (Labor Law); Associates: Tobias Kalski, Sebastian Hummel, Marielouise Emmer, Matthias Unger, Dr. Christian Seeburger (all Corporate/Private Equity), Eduard Kosavtsev (Tax Law), Dr. Felix Glocker, Katharina Hirzle (both IT/Data Protection), Annika Lindemann (IP), Sarah Schäfer (Labor Law), Hatice Akyel (Banking and Finance Law)