Photo: The Hepster founding team: Christian Range, Alexander Hornung and Hanna Bachmann

Insurance startup Hepster raises around 8.4 million euros

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
Photo: The Heps­ter foun­ding team: Chris­tian Range, Alex­an­der Hornung and Hanna Bachmann
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9. March 2021

Rostock — In its Series A, Rostock-based insu­rance startup Heps­ter has recei­ved about €8.4 million ($10 million). New entrants are London-based fintech VC Element Ventures and Paris-based sumup inves­tor Seven­ven­ture Part­ners. The former share­hol­ders Mittel­stän­di­sche Betei­li­gungs­ge­sell­schaft Meck­­len­­burg-Vorpom­­mern and GPS Ventures have also joined in.

The startup by Hanna Bach­mann, Chris­tian Range and Alex­an­der Hornung, which is just under five years old, offers insu­rance, such as acci­dent or theft insu­rance, to more than 700 corpo­rate custo­mers from the mobi­lity, sports, elec­tri­cal equip­ment and travel sectors.

Since its launch in spring 2017, the Rostock-based insur­tech has alre­ady convin­ced more than 700 part­ners and around 70,000 custo­mers of its insu­rance products.

heps­ter deve­lops indi­vi­dual and tailor-made insu­rance products based on the needs of today’s people as well as the busi­ness models of our part­ners. Special atten­tion is paid by heps­ter to flexi­ble and trans­pa­rent contract design as well as uncom­pli­ca­ted insu­rance conclu­sion in order to ensure an opti­mal custo­mer expe­ri­ence. Close coope­ra­tion with various reinsu­r­ers enables fast product solu­ti­ons tail­o­red to the needs of the coope­ra­tion part­ners. On the one hand, insu­rance poli­cies can be booked in the online store with just a few clicks and comple­tely digi­tally. On the other hand, the insu­rance products can be inte­gra­ted seam­lessly and comple­tely digi­tally into exis­ting and new proces­ses with the help of various interfaces.

About Element Ventures LLP
Element Ventures LLP, based in London, UK, opera­tes as a venture capi­tal company. The Company provi­des invest­ment in early-stage, high poten­tial, and growth start-up companies.

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