
gridscale receives €7 million in growth capital

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13. March 2019

Colo­gne, Germany — gridscale, the Colo­­gne-based provi­der of inno­va­tive Infra­s­truc­­ture-as-a-Service and Plat­­form-as-a-Service (IaaS and PaaS) solu­ti­ons, recei­ves €7 million in new capi­tal in its Series A finan­cing round. The round is led by Endeit Capi­tal and EnBW New Ventures. In addi­tion, the exis­ting inves­tors Enjoy­Ven­ture with the BLSW Seed and Growth Fund as well as the High-Tech Grün­der­fonds parti­ci­pa­ted. The capi­tal now available will be used for the further deve­lo­p­ment of gridscale in terms of tech­no­logy and person­nel as well as for the inter­na­tio­na­liza­tion of the business.

gridscale offers custo­mers the possi­bi­lity to flexi­bly realize complex hosting and infra­struc­ture projects. The alre­ady high degree of auto­ma­tion of the plat­form will be further expan­ded by gridscale. Here, the company adhe­res to the prin­ci­ple of real-time scaling of the infra­struc­ture with minute-by-minute billing. Custo­mers such as Control­ware, KOMSA, Butlers or the Karls­ru­her Verkehrs­be­triebe actually only pay for the resour­ces they actually need when they use them.

The company will expand its PaaS appli­ca­tion offe­rings and provide addi­tio­nal services to indi­rect sales chan­nels. System houses and agen­cies alre­ady make use of gridscale’s intel­li­gent compon­ents. The white label solu­tion addres­ses the speci­fic needs of these part­ners and offers them the oppor­tu­nity to become relia­ble cloud provi­ders themselves.

“We are very convin­ced of the poten­tial of gridscale’s tech­no­logy and team. gridscale has posi­tio­ned itself with an inno­va­tive solu­tion in the $50 billion and high-growth global IaaS and PaaS market. We are very proud to now be part of gridscale and to be able to accom­pany them in their brand posi­tio­ning and inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion,” empha­si­zes Martijn Hamann, Part­ner at Endeit Capi­tal. Holger Wagner, Senior Invest­ment Mana­ger at EnBW New Ventures adds: “The team combi­nes tech­ni­cal exper­tise, market know­ledge and a feel for the speci­fic requi­re­ments of custo­mers. We are plea­sed to be part of this development.”

Henrik Hasen­kamp, co-foun­­der and CEO of gridscale, is plea­sed with the successful closing of the finan­cing round: “In the end, people always work toge­ther. Endeit Capi­tal and EnBW New Ventures stood out from a large number of VCs that showed equal inte­rest in the tech­no­logy and the team — a perfect match to our exis­ting share­hol­ders. With the support of Endeit Capi­tal and EnBW New Ventures, we are in a posi­tion to once again signi­fi­cantly acce­le­rate our growth while simul­ta­neously releasing a variety of new products and services. This is because we want to estab­lish oursel­ves as a secure, scalable and relia­ble cloud service provi­der in other parts of Europe in particular.”

About gridscale
gridscale is a Euro­pean IaaS and PaaS provi­der and crea­tes the basis for sophisti­ca­ted cloud solu­ti­ons with its inno­va­tive tech­no­logy. Head­quar­te­red in Colo­gne, Germany, the company’s highly auto­ma­ted archi­tec­ture offers forward-looking and digi­tally orien­ted users a solu­tion in which they can flexi­bly choose between a variety of Infra­s­truc­­ture-as-a-Service compon­ents (e.g., distri­bu­ted storage solu­ti­ons, load balan­cers and virtual servers) and comple­men­tary Plat­­form-as-a-Service elements (e.g., auto­ma­ti­cally scaling data­ba­ses and IoT compon­ents). gridscale was foun­ded in 2014 by Henrik Hasen­kamp, Michael Balser and Tors­ten Urbas. The 2018 Crisp Vendor Universe Report sees gridscale as an inno­va­tor in cloud compu­ting services.

With its inno­va­tive tech­no­logy, gridscale takes cloud compu­ting to a new level-intel­­li­­gent compon­ents of the gridscale cloud connect seam­lessly with all other enter­prise IT resour­ces and extend the exis­ting infra­struc­ture. The requi­red cloud resour­ces are available to users in real time and can be easily inte­gra­ted into exis­ting company and system proces­ses, also thanks to the intui­tive user inter­face. This allows gridscale custo­mers to focus on their core compe­ten­cies instead of deal­ing with the opera­tion of their cloud infra­struc­ture, while still main­tai­ning an over­view at all times thanks to trans­pa­rent proces­sing and minute-by-minute billing.

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