
The success of the asset manage­ment indus­try depends to a not incon­sidera­ble extent on its ability to inno­vate and, above all, on its affi­nity for tech­no­logy. It has always tried to use tech­no­lo­gi­cal progress profi­ta­bly. And not only to auto­mate opera­tio­nal proces­ses in the front, middle or back office or to make them more effi­ci­ent — just think of KYC, clea­ring, sett­le­ment, report­ing, etc. — but above all to opti­mize trading and invest­ment acti­vi­ties, but also risk management.

I. The tech­no­lo­gi­cal change in the finance and asset manage­ment industry
The fact that the asset manage­ment indus­try in parti­cu­lar is often a tech­no­logy driver can be seen by looking at commo­dity trading advi­sors, which have been using modern analy­sis tech­ni­ques in the form of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence for deca­des to deve­lop trend-follo­wing models for mana­ged futures funds, or the hedge fund styles that have been estab­lished for many years and pursue complex data-based stra­te­gies (quants), or use special tech­no­lo­gies (e.g. in the form of compu­ting power, programming, or data trans­mis­sion), such as algo­rith­mic or high-frequency trading.

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