Neither politics nor high-profile figureheads alone can pave the way to a more sustainable economy. There are still major funding gaps, particularly in the area of climate tech and especially in Europe. To reduce this gap, we established the World Fund.
When Larry Fink, the founder and chief executive of Blackrock, said in late 2021 that the next 1,000 unicorns — billion-dollar companies — would come from the climate tech sector, it made waves, and not just among financial experts. The head of the world’s largest asset manager, Blackrock, also emphasized the above-average return opportunities offered by climate tech. The topic has long since entered the mainstream of the investment world.
Climate Tech are technologies against climate change that explicitly relate to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (including CO2, methane). Climate tech startups are companies that offer such technologies. The term is intentionally broad to reflect the wide range of technologies used to address GHG emissions and the wide range of industries in which they are used.
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