
Neither poli­tics nor high-profile figureheads alone can pave the way to a more sustainable economy. There are still major funding gaps, parti­cu­larly in the area of climate tech and espe­ci­ally in Europe. To reduce this gap, we estab­lished the World Fund.

When Larry Fink, the foun­der and chief execu­tive of Black­rock, said in late 2021 that the next 1,000 unicorns — billion-dollar compa­nies — would come from the climate tech sector, it made waves, and not just among finan­cial experts. The head of the world’s largest asset mana­ger, Black­rock, also empha­si­zed the above-average return oppor­tu­ni­ties offe­red by climate tech. The topic has long since ente­red the main­stream of the invest­ment world.

Climate Tech are tech­no­lo­gies against climate change that expli­citly relate to the reduc­tion of green­house gas emis­si­ons (inclu­ding CO2, methane). Climate tech start­ups are compa­nies that offer such tech­no­lo­gies. The term is inten­tio­nally broad to reflect the wide range of tech­no­lo­gies used to address GHG emis­si­ons and the wide range of indus­tries in which they are used.

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