Real-Estate Tax Compliance — Current Developments
The last time we dealt with the current hot topics from the tax audit was in the FYB 2018 reports. Since then, a lot of new things have happened, not only on the part of the
case law, but also on the legislative side. “ATAD” and “DAC6” may be mentioned here as keywords, the effect of which is sure to extend far beyond
will extend beyond the turn of the year 2020/ 2021. With this contribution we want to again present some current topics from our Real-Estate practice and, as far as
possible, provide recommendations for action. By nature, we have a selective topics were selected, and other hot topics such as the temporary such as the temporary reduction in sales tax, were left out.
Purchase price allocation to land and building
The apportionment of the notarized property purchase price plus incidental acquisition costs such as real estate transfer tax, legal and tax DD and, if applicable, further appraisal costs is often one of the first acts in the tax life cycle of a leased property, especially with the aim of determining the future depreciation assessment basis.
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