
The task of provi­ding suffi­ci­ent and healthy food for eight billion people world­wide, while at the same time preser­ving the ecology of our planet, espe­ci­ally biodi­ver­sity, poses enorm­ous chal­lenges for all of huma­nity. Our food systems are central to their solu­tion, as they have the grea­test leverage in terms of envi­ron­men­tal and social/health aspects.

Today, our food systems are highly complex, globally orga­ni­zed and, unfort­u­na­tely, often inef­fi­ci­ent: food produc­tion alre­ady accounts for about 40 percent of usable land area and 70 percent of global freshwa­ter consump­tion, is a major factor in pres­su­res on biodi­ver­sity and causes more than one-third of global green­house gas emis­si­ons. At the same time, inef­fi­ci­ent produc­tion and proces­sing methods, long global supply chains cause an enorm­ous amount of food waste: about one third of the food produ­ced is not consu­med but lost along the value chain. All this seems all the more drama­tic given that demand for food is curr­ently expec­ted to increase by up to 60 percent by 2050 due to demo­gra­phic deve­lo­p­ments, the growth of the world’s popu­la­tion and chan­ges in dietary habits.

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