Photo: Michael von Rueden, Deloitte Legal

Deloitte Legal advises Implenia on sale of maintenance division

Photo: Michael von Rueden, Deloitte Legal
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29. April 2021

Düssel­dorf — A Deloitte Legal team led by Düssel­dorf M&A part­ners Michael von Rüden and Dirk Hänisch (both lead part­ners) advi­sed SIX Swiss Exch­ange-listed Imple­nia Group, one of Switzerland’s leading cons­truc­tion and real estate services compa­nies, on the plan­ned sale of German-based Imple­nia Instand­set­zung GmbH to Karrié Bau GmbH & Co KG. As a result of the tran­sac­tion, which was signed on April 16, 2021 and is expec­ted to be comple­ted on May 31, 2021 (closing), all sites and ongo­ing projects with a total of 199 employees of the Main­ten­ance divi­sion will be trans­fer­red to Karrié Bau.

Imple­nia is dispo­sing of the main­ten­ance busi­ness in order to focus further on the defi­ned core port­fo­lio in line with its stra­tegy. Karrié Bau plans to assume respon­si­bi­lity for ongo­ing projects after the acqui­si­tion is comple­ted. As part of the tran­sac­tion, the condi­ti­ons were crea­ted for a seam­less carve-out of the main­ten­ance busi­ness and its successful conti­nua­tion by Karrié Bau.

In the imple­men­ta­tion of the project, the Deloitte Legal team was able to contri­bute to the success through a combi­na­tion of first-class legal advice, tran­sac­tion expe­ri­ence and goal-orien­­ted commu­ni­ca­tion. The close coope­ra­tion with colle­agues from Deloitte Corpo­rate Finance and Deloitte Tran­sac­tion Services Switz­er­land and Deloitte Tax Germany enab­led compre­hen­sive inter­di­sci­pli­nary advice on all commer­cial, legal and tax aspects mate­rial to the tran­sac­tion.

Advi­sor Imple­nia: Deloitte Legal
Dr. Michael von Rüden and Dirk Hänisch (both Lead, Corporate/M&A), Thilo Hoff­mann (Coun­sel), André Giesen (Senior Asso­ciate, all Corporate/M&A, Düssel­dorf) Deloitte Corpo­rate Finance and Tran­sac­tion Services, Switz­er­land: Stephan Brücher, Benja­min Lechuga, Maxi­mi­lian Hornung, Nico­las Bornitz Deloitte Tax: Fabian Borkowski

Advi­sor Karrié Bau GmbH & Co KG: EY Law
Dr. Thors­ten Erhard, Dr. Robert Schil­ler, Dr. Timo Rinne EY: Chris­toph Serf, Hagen Reiser, Jan-Hendrik Pirwitz, Thors­ten Schnei­der, Tobias Kampmann

About Imple­nia
As a leading Swiss cons­truc­tion and real estate service provi­der, Imple­nia deve­lops and reali­zes living spaces, working envi­ron­ments and infra­struc­ture for future gene­ra­ti­ons in Switz­er­land and Germany. Imple­nia also plans and builds complex infra­struc­ture projects in Austria, France, Sweden and Norway. Imple­nia can look back on around 150 years of cons­truc­tion tradi­tion. The company brings toge­ther the exper­tise of highly quali­fied consul­ting, plan­ning and execu­tion units under one roof to form an inte­gra­ted, multi­na­tio­nal leading cons­truc­tion and real estate service provider.

With its broad range of services and the in-depth expe­ri­ence of its specia­lists, the Group is able to realize complex large-scale projects and support struc­tures throug­hout their entire life cycle and in close proxi­mity to custo­mers. The focus is on the needs of custo­mers and a sustainable balance between econo­mic success and social and envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bi­lity. Imple­nia, head­quar­te­red in Opfi­kon near Zurich, employs more than 8,500 people across Europe and gene­ra­ted sales of almost CHF 4 billion in 2020. For more infor­ma­tion, visit About Imple­nia Instand­set­zung GmbH Imple­nia Instand­set­zung is a leading full-service part­ner in Germany for struc­tu­ral resto­ra­tion of buil­dings, infra­struc­ture struc­tures or parts thereof.

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