
Bayern Kapital invests again in SaaS provider leadtributor

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9. Octo­ber 2019

Landshut/Munich — Munich-based lead­t­ri­bu­tor GmbH raises its Series A finan­cing round as plan­ned and recei­ves a seven-digit amount from exis­ting inves­tors as well as from a new inves­tor. The young company intends to use the funds for further tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment of the product and to build up the distri­bu­tion network in order to open up further markets. Bayern Kapi­tal, an inves­tor in lead­t­ri­bu­tor since June 2017, is also parti­ci­pa­ting again in this Series A3 round toge­ther with the Swiss Base­Tech Ventures AG and the former CEO of Sage Soft­ware GmbH, Peter Dewald. New on board is Hamm Manage­ment Consul­ting GmbH.

lead­t­ri­bu­tor GmbH has deve­lo­ped a soft­­ware-as-a-service (SaaS) solu­tion of the same name for compa­nies from a wide range of indus­tries whose sales chan­nels are complex, multi-level and, to date, often orga­ni­zed manu­ally. The start­ing point: These compa­nies support their respec­tive sales part­ners in gene­ra­ting demand and leads and invest marke­ting funds for this purpose. The cont­acts gene­ra­ted from marke­ting acti­vi­ties were previously forwarded manu­ally to specia­list dealers, distri­bu­tors or sales part­ners. From this point on, compa­nies have very limi­ted or no over­view of whether and to what inten­sity these leads are being follo­wed up by the sales part­ner, what the current proces­sing status is, and how many leads have been conver­ted to actual orders. This need gave rise to the idea for lead­t­ri­bu­tor: In the course of the digi­tiza­tion wave, many compa­nies have to solve the ques­tion of how to digi­tize their multi-level sales chan­nels and colla­bo­ra­tion with sales part­ners, which is curr­ently diffi­cult to map with common CRM systems. To date, there is no compa­ra­ble solu­tion on the market.

leadtributor’s custo­mers include major inter­na­tio­nal IT compa­nies such as Adobe, Huawei, Sage and Haufe-Lexware. In addi­tion, lead­t­ri­bu­tor had expan­ded its offe­ring to other indus­tries — whose start­ing points are simi­lar to those of the IT indus­try and who use complex, indi­rect sales chan­nels or offer products that require expl­ana­tion. Even compa­nies from the sani­tary, heating, air-condi­­tio­­ning and buil­ding services engi­nee­ring sectors are now part of the eleven-sector lead­t­ri­bu­tor custo­mer portfolio.

Last year, lead­t­ri­bu­tor had alre­ady increased the Series A round from 2017 as plan­ned and used these funds for the further deve­lo­p­ment of the IT infra­struc­ture and the hiring of new employees. lead­t­ri­bu­tor also made great progress on the earnings side: the young company now gene­ra­tes six times as much license reve­nue as before Bayern Kapital’s investment.

Roman Huber, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Bayern Kapi­tal, says: “The team of lead­t­ri­bu­tor has achie­ved a lot in the past months and is fully on sche­dule. The perfor­mance of the IT has been signi­fi­cantly impro­ved and the data secu­rity has become a bit higher again. What is clear is that the market poten­tial for leadtributor’s solu­tion is there, as many compa­nies need soft­ware to make progress in digi­tiz­ing their own sales and busi­ness processes.”

About lead­t­ri­bu­tor GmbH
lead­t­ri­bu­tor GmbH was foun­ded in 2015 and is based in Munich. The company deve­lops and distri­bu­tes lead­t­ri­bu­tor, the SaaS solu­tion for lead manage­ment with sales part­ners. The soft­ware controls the rapid proces­sing and moni­to­ring of leads to sales part­ners. It is compa­ti­ble with popu­lar CRM systems and inter­faces with marke­ting auto­ma­tion solu­ti­ons. In this way, it guaran­tees abso­lute trans­pa­rency of all chan­nel acti­vi­ties 24 hours a day and impro­ves coor­di­na­tion between marke­ting and sales depart­ments.

About Bayern Kapital
Bayern Kapi­tal GmbH, based in Lands­hut, was foun­ded in 1995 as a wholly owned subsi­diary of LfA Förder­bank Bayern on the initia­tive of the Bava­rian state govern­ment. As the venture capi­tal company of the Free State of Bava­ria, Bayern Kapi­tal provi­des equity capi­tal to the foun­ders of inno­va­tive high-tech compa­nies and young, inno­va­tive tech­no­logy compa­nies in Bava­ria. Bayern Kapi­tal curr­ently mana­ges eleven invest­ment funds with an invest­ment volume of around 325 million euros. To date, Bayern Kapi­tal has inves­ted around 305 million euros of venture capi­tal in over 270 inno­va­tive tech­­no­­logy-orien­­ted compa­nies from a wide range of sectors, inclu­ding life scien­ces, soft­ware & IT, mate­ri­als & new mate­ri­als, nano­tech­no­logy and envi­ron­men­tal tech­no­logy. As a result, more than 7,500 jobs have been perma­nently crea­ted in Bava­ria in sustainable companies.

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