
Zurich / Munich / Berne — Peri­gon GmbH, a subsi­diary of the Sihl Group, has acqui­red Trichord Ltd. Peri­gon is one of the world’s first provi­ders of a process for indus­trial, full-area prin­ting of complex 3D objects that guaran­tees the highest quality regard­less of the mate­rial. With the acqui­si­tion of the tech­no­logy provi­der and joint venture part­ner Trichord, the Sihl Group secu­res all shares in the tech­no­logy as well as the consumables.

Peri­gon was foun­ded in 2021 by Sihl Group and Trichord, two leading compa­nies in mate­ri­als and tech­no­logy, as a joint venture. Based in Düren, North Rhine-West­pha­lia, the specialist’s globally unique tech­ni­cal solu­ti­ons enable designs to be trans­fer­red cost-effec­tively to complex 3D objects. The paten­ted, proven process can be used to design a wide variety of complex shapes, with mold mate­rial and produc­tion quan­ti­ties being irrelevant.

With the complete acqui­si­tion of Trichord by Peri­gon, the joint venture part­ner now beco­mes part of the Sihl Group, which can now serve its custo­mers even more compre­hen­si­vely and conve­ni­ently as a one-stop provi­der. The tran­sac­tion marks the second acqui­si­tion of Sihl Group under the aegis of funds advi­sed by Equis­tone Part­ners Europe (“Equis­tone”). In 2016, the funds had acqui­red a majo­rity stake in the long-estab­lished company based near Bern; at the end of 2021, the US-based Diez­gen Corp. was added.

“Trichord is the ideal addi­tion to our group, enab­ling us to offer custo­mers all services from a single source in the future,” says Peter Wahs­ner, CEO of Sihl Group. “With this acqui­si­tion, we are laying the foun­da­tion for the global expan­sion of our stra­te­gic Surface Deco­ra­ti­ons busi­ness. We look forward to working toge­ther with Trichord’s manage­ment to take the next step in our growth strategy.

The tran­sac­tion was accom­pa­nied by Stefan Maser, David Zahnd and Roman E. Hegglin.

Consul­tant to the Sihl Group: 

Deloitte (Finan­cial), Bär & Karrer (Legal & Tax Switz­er­land), Addle­shaw Goddard (Legal UK) and Good­win (Finan­cing).

About Equis­tone Part­ners Europe

The funds advi­sed by Equis­tone Part­ners Europe are among the most active Euro­pean equity inves­tors with a team of more than 40 invest­ment specia­lists in seven offices in Germany, Switz­er­land, the Nether­lands, France and the UK. The Equis­tone funds invest prima­rily in estab­lished medium-sized compa­nies with a good market posi­tion, above-average growth poten­tial and an enter­prise value of between EUR 50 and 500 million. Since incep­tion, the funds have inves­ted equity in more than 180 tran­sac­tions. The port­fo­lio curr­ently compri­ses around 50 compa­nies across Europe, inclu­ding around 20 invest­ments in Germany, Switz­er­land, the Nether­lands and Belgium. Equis­tone funds are curr­ently inves­t­ing from the sixth fund, which closed in March 2018 with 2.8 billion euros. In addi­tion, the “Equis­tone Reinvest­ment Fund” was recently laun­ched, from which it is possi­ble to reinvest in mino­rity posi­ti­ons follo­wing sales of port­fo­lio compa­nies from the main funds. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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