
Hamburg — Planet A Ventures was able to raise an invest­ment volume of € 160 million for its impact fund. Inves­tors include Alli­anz Invest­ment Manage­ment, BMW, KfW Capi­tal, REWE and the Danish state invest­ment fund Vaekst­fon­den. In addi­tion, the fund is supported by well-known serial entre­pre­neurs such as Rolf Schröm­gens (Triv­ago Co-Foun­der) Maxi­mi­lian Back­haus (Global CMO HelloFresh) and Rubin Ritter (Ex-Zalando Co-CEO).

The fund scores high on its scien­ti­fic approach to impact inves­t­ing. For exam­ple, Planet A Ventures has its own scien­ti­fic team that performs so-called “life cycle analy­ses” as part of the due dili­gence process. In addi­tion to CO2 emis­si­ons, this form of analy­sis also takes into account, among other things, biodi­ver­sity protec­tion, resource conser­va­tion and waste reduction.

About Planet A Ventures

Planet A Ventures is a venture capi­ta­list inves­t­ing in Euro­pean green tech start­ups that have a signi­fi­cant posi­tive impact on our planet. As a venture capi­ta­list, Planet A aims to contri­bute to an economy within plane­tary boun­da­ries. Planet A supports inno­va­tions in four key areas: Climate protec­tion, waste preven­tion, resource conser­va­tion and biodi­ver­sity protec­tion. As the first Euro­pean VC, Planet A bases its invest­ment decis­i­ons on scien­ti­fic life­cy­cle analy­sis and helps foun­ders scale their impact. Invest­ments include trace­l­ess mate­ri­als (plas­tic alter­na­ti­ves), Inera­tec (e‑fuels), C1 (green metha­nol), GA Dril­ling (geother­mal), 44.01 (carbon storage), and Maker­site (decar­bo­ni­zing supply chains).

Advi­sor Planet A Ventures: YPOG
Dr. Julian Albrecht (Structuring/Tax), Part­ner There­sia M. R. Hein­rich (Struc­tu­ring), Asso­ciate Lenn­art Lorenz (Regu­la­tory), Part­ner, Stefa­nie Nagel (Regu­la­tory), Senior Associate

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