
Cologne/ Berlin — In the latest finan­cing round of the AI-based trans­la­tor DeepL, venture capi­tal inves­tor Atomico was advi­sed by YPOG. In addi­tion to Atomico, IVP, Besse­mer Venture Part­ners and WiL as well as exis­ting inves­tors Bench­mark and btov parti­ci­pa­ted in the funding.

The Colo­gne-based startup emer­ged from the online diction­ary Linguee in 2017 and curr­ently offers 29 languages. Reve­nues are gene­ra­ted prima­rily from paid services, which include more features and privacy opti­ons than the free and open-access version. The company’s latest round of funding demons­tra­tes the incre­asing commer­cial importance of AI-based busi­ness models to the market and profes­sio­nal sectors.

Foun­der & CEO Jaros­law “Jarek” Kuty­low­ski is a passio­nate deve­lo­per and star­ted working on perso­nal projects he found useful and suita­ble for ever­y­day use at the age of 10. He later earned a docto­rate in compu­ter science with a focus on mathe­ma­tics. His fond­ness for languages and new tech­no­lo­gies led him into the world of AI trans­la­tion, in large part due to his multi­l­in­gual back­ground and sensi­bi­li­ties, having been born in Poland and raised in Germany.

The new capi­tal will be used for further rese­arch acti­vi­ties and the further deve­lo­p­ment of the company’s soft­ware. Further­more, DeepL is working on addi­tio­nal services and features and plans further inter­na­tio­nal expansion.

About Atomico

Atomico invests in emer­ging tech foun­ders in Series A and beyond — with a parti­cu­lar focus on Europe — lever­aging its exten­sive opera­tio­nal expe­ri­ence to acce­le­rate their growth. Since its foun­ding in 2006, Atomico has worked with over 100 ambi­tious teams — inclu­ding those at Klarna, Super­cell, Graph­core, Compass, Messa­ge­Bird, Master­class, Atten­tive Mobile, Pipedrive and Hinge Health. Atomico’s team of foun­ders, inves­tors and opera­tio­nal leaders has been respon­si­ble for global expan­sion, hiring and marke­ting at compa­nies ranging from Skype and Google to Twit­ter and Uber. The company curr­ently has $4 billion in assets under management.

About DeepL

DeepL is a German company that aims to elimi­nate language barriers around the world through the use of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. Since 2017, the company has offe­red DeepL Trans­la­tor, a machine trans­la­tion system that achie­ves the best trans­la­tion quality in the world accor­ding to blind tests, at In addi­tion, DeepL provi­des profes­sio­nal products for compa­nies, entre­pre­neurs and trans­la­tors. To date, more than one billion people have used the services of DeepL. The company is led by foun­der and CEO Jaros­law Kuty­low­ski and backed by inter­na­tio­nal inves­tors such as Bench­mark and btov.

Advi­sor Atomico: YPOG
Dr. Benja­min Ullrich (Co-Lead, Tran­sac­tions), Partner
Tobias Lovett (Co-Lead, Tran­sac­tions), Senior Associate
Dr. Matthias Schatz (Corpo­rate), Partner
Dr. Bene­dikt Flöter (IP/IT), Asso­cia­ted Partner
Dr. Andreas Bergt­hal­ler (Corpo­rate), Senior Associate
Pia Meven (Tran­sac­tions), Associate
Dr. Chris­toph Lütten­berg (Corpo­rate), Associate

About YPOG

YPOG is a specia­list tax and commer­cial law firm opera­ting in the core areas of Funds, Tax and Tran­sac­tions. The YPOG team advi­ses a wide variety of clients. These include emer­ging tech­no­logy compa­nies and family-run medium-sized enter­pri­ses as well as corpo­ra­ti­ons and private equity/venture capi­tal funds. YPOG is one of the leading addres­ses for venture capi­tal, private equity and fund struc­tu­ring in Germany.
The firm and its part­ners are natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally ranked by JUVE, Best Lawy­ers, Legal 500, Focus, and Cham­bers and Part­ners. Today, YPOG employs more than 100 expe­ri­en­ced lawy­ers, tax advi­sors, tax specia­lists and a notary in three offices in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne.

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