
Munich/ Berlin — Traf­fics Soft­ware­sys­teme für den Touris­mus GmbH (“Traf­fics”), the leading travel SaaS plat­form in Germany and Travel­soft SAS (“Travel­soft”) as opera­tor of Orches­tra, the equi­va­lent on the French market, are joining forces to become the Euro­pean market leader. Momen­tum Rechts­an­wälte und Steu­er­be­ra­ter, led by Dr. Daniel Wied, provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to the sellers of Traf­fics in the areas of M&A and tran­sac­tion taxes.

Travel­soft, the holding company of Orches­tra, acqui­res 100% of Berlin-based travel tech expert Traf­fics. The Traf­fics foun­ders, Salim Sahi and Jens Muske­witz, have taken a substan­tial stake in Travel­soft. Chris­tian Sabbagh, foun­der and chair­man of Orches­tra, remains Travelsoft’s majo­rity share­hol­der. The merger was accom­pa­nied by major French banks. Momen­tum provi­ded compre­hen­sive M&A and tran­sac­tion tax legal advice to the sellers of Traf­fics under the leader­ship of Dr. Daniel Wied.

Since 1999, Traf­fics has been a leading, award-winning travel tech­no­logy company and a global pioneer in the digi­tal travel indus­try. The company deve­lops inno­va­tive consul­ting, search and booking systems for travel and is repre­sen­ta­tive for the future-orien­ted deve­lo­p­ment of an entire indus­try. Its custo­mers include more than 6,000 travel agen­cies as well as well-known travel portals, airlines, hotels and travel suppli­ers. The company arran­ges travel sales of more than 1.3 billion euros per year. The merger with Travel­soft will acce­le­rate the growth of both compa­nies by offe­ring new services to current and future customers.

Advi­sor Traf­fics: Momen­tum Attor­neys at Law and Tax Consultants
Dr. Daniel Wied, M. jur. (Oxon), Part­ner, M&A; Lead Partner
Dr. Phil­ipp Gold, Part­ner, M&A
Dr. Matthias Heil­meier, Part­ner, M&A
Sarah Kaspar, Asso­ciate, M&A

Momen­tum Stee­ring Legal (Paris), led by Agathe Martin and Nuno de Ayala Boaven­tura, was invol­ved for the French aspects of the transaction.
Corpo­rate finance advice on the seller side was provi­ded by Ennea Capi­tal Part­ners GmbH (Simon Schil­ler, Jan Valentin).
The New York law firm Stairs Dillen­beck Finley Mayer (Dr. Peter Mayer) played a leading role on the buyer side.
The legal due dili­gence on the buyer side was perfor­med by SKW Schwarz (led by Dr. Stephan Morsch, Dr. Matthias Orthwein Munich).
Ebner Stolz Düssel­dorf (Guido Glor­feld, Imke Meier, Timo West­meier, Sarah Chris­toph, Rianne Von Der Mark) was respon­si­ble for finan­cial and tax due dili­gence on the buyer side.
The nota­riza­tion was perfor­med by notary Dr. Roman Bärwaldt, Taylor Wessing, in Berlin.

About Momen­tum Lawy­ers and Tax Advisors
Momen­tum is a boutique law firm specia­li­zing in tran­sac­tions and advi­ses on M&A, private equity, venture capi­tal, corpo­rate and tax law — entre­pre­neu­rial, effi­ci­ent, expe­ri­en­ced and with the highest quality standards.

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