
Nurem­berg — At the begin­ning of the new finan­cial year 2022, the Max Bögl Group has streng­the­ned its posi­tion in the field of hori­zon­tal dril­ling tech­no­logy by acqui­ring the renow­ned company BFT Bohr- und Fräs­tech­nik GmbH from Saal an der Saale from its sole share­hol­der Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Hey. Max Bögl thus expands its service port­fo­lio by an important compo­nent. BFT GmbH has more than thirty years of expe­ri­ence in tren­chl­ess pipe­line cons­truc­tion. In addi­tion to press dril­ling and pilot pipe jack­ing, hori­zon­tal direc­tional dril­ling (HDD) will in future also be ancho­red in Max Bögl’s exten­sive range of services.

Under the manage­ment of Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Hey and his twenty-strong team, as well as the exis­ting modern equip­ment pool, BFT GmbH ideally comple­ments the port­fo­lio of Max Bögl’s Pipe Jacking/HDD divi­sion in the Infra­struc­ture busi­ness unit with its exper­tise. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the purchase price.

During the acqui­si­tion of BFT GmbH, Max Bögl was accom­pa­nied throug­hout the entire process and provi­ded with compre­hen­sive legal advice by a team of law firm THEOPARK in Nurem­berg specia­li­zing in M&A tran­sac­tions under the leader­ship of part­ner Gernot Gies­ecke (photo). THEOPARK has been working for the Max Bögl group of compa­nies in the field of commer­cial law, in parti­cu­lar in the areas of M&A as well as corpo­rate law, since its foundation.

Consul­tant Max Bögl Group: THEOPARK, Nuremberg
Gernot Gies­ecke, Part­ner (Lead Part­ner, Corpo­rate Law, M&A)
Rainer Schaaf, LL.M., Part­ner (M&A)


THEOPARK is a commer­cial law firm specia­li­zing in corpo­rate law, M&A, insol­vency law and tax law, based in Nurem­berg. The 6 foun­ding part­ners advise natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal compa­nies, inves­tors and insol­vency admi­nis­tra­tors on all commer­cial law issues.


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