Bankhaus Lampe establishes investment company for SMEs
We see a clear market need for equity capital in the targeted range of 3 to 7 million euros. In the current environment, medium-sized companies are increasingly looking for new ways to strengthen their equity cushion. We see a particular need in small and medium-sized enterprises. The rather cautious financing policy of many banks as a result of the financial crisis is increasingly forcing medium-sized companies to look for new ways to strengthen their equity. For this reason, we founded the Lampe Privatinvest investment company for medium-sized companies. Bankhaus Lampe has a long history as an entrepreneurial partner to the Mittelstand, and the team at Lampe Privatinvest also has many years of experience. Experience in structuring and financing investments. The new investment company also benefits from the profound knowledge and from this long-standing expertise.
We have firm capital commitments in the mid double-digit millions from a good dozen investors, all of whom are entrepreneurial. The investor base consists exclusively of private investors who themselves have an entrepreneurial background. These are entrepreneurs from all over Germany and with very different industry backgrounds. The focus is on minority shareholdings with capital requirements of between three and seven million euros. Up to now, relatively little organized equity has been made available in Germany on the scale envisaged, because traditional financial investors are often not in a position to offer equity investments on this scale due to their fund volumes. That is why Lampe Privatinvest does not work with a usual fund structure, but with a professionally organized community of selected private investors
Lampe Privatinvest focuses on suitable investments, but in due course an expansion of the investor base is not excluded. In addition, Bankhaus Lampe plans to significantly expand its alternative investments business in the near future. This also includes mezzanine funds, on the one hand to offer companies a broader variety of financing solutions and, on the other, to open up attractive investment opportunities in the German SME sector for institutional investors in the current low-interest environment.