
11 million euros for Homebell in Series B financing round

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
More news
31. Janu­ary 2018

Berlin — Berlin-based startup Home­bell recei­ves new capi­tal tota­ling around €11 million in a Series B finan­cing round. The new inves­tors include (among others) insu­rance compa­nies AXA and Helve­tia as well as Seven­Ven­tures, the finan­cial inves­tor of the ProSiebenSat1 media group. Part of the finan­cing amount flows into TV adver­ti­sing time provi­ded by the ProSiebenSat1 Group. Home­bell was foun­ded in Berlin in Septem­ber 2015.

The company offers online place­ment of handy­man services such as pain­ting or elec­tri­cal work. Home­bell was alre­ady able to coll­ect milli­ons of euros in invest­ments at the start. The inves­tors at the time included Index Ventures, the invest­ment company Lake­star and the Rocket Inter­net fund Rocket Inter­net Capi­tal Part­ners.

With the new money, the plat­form intends to further expand its presence in Germany and the Nether­lands and grow by adding new product cate­go­ries. In the future, for exam­ple, the website will also offer custo­mers inspi­ra­tion and ideas for renovation.

Advi­sor Home­bell: P+P Pöllath + Partners
The P+P Venture Capi­tal Team Chris­tian Tönies, LL.M. Eur. (Part­ner, Lead, VC, Munich/Berlin) and Dr. Sebas­tian Gerlin­ger, LL.M. (Senior Asso­ciate, VC, Munich/Berlin) has advi­sed Home­bell since its incep­tion and so also in the current finan­cing round.

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