
Berlin / Frank­furt a. Main — Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP has advi­sed Bregal Mile­stone as lead inves­tor on its USD 115 million Series C growth invest­ment in Uber­all. The current inves­tor United Inter­net and the manage­ment also parti­ci­pate in the round. Previous inves­tors in Uber­all include HPE Growth and Project A.

The tran­sac­tion is Bregal Milestone’s tenth invest­ment and the first tran­sac­tion in Germany. Uber­all offers a leading full-suite SaaS loca­tion marke­ting and analy­tics plat­form that helps brands and busi­nesses with every step of the “Near Me” jour­ney: from finding and selec­ting online, to gene­ra­ting offline sales, to gathe­ring and mana­ging online feed­back, to recommending.

Uber­all is relied upon by thou­sands of custo­mers, inclu­ding more than 600 major global compa­nies in Europe, North America and Asia, both in direct sales and through its exten­sive global network of chan­nel part­ners. Since long­time friends David Feder­hen and Florian Hübner foun­ded the company in Berlin in 2013, Uber­all has grown into an inter­na­tio­nal market leader with offices in 6 count­ries and a global team of 300 employees.

The company successfully grew its ARR between FY17-20 at a CAGR of 60%. The invest­ment will allow to drive product inno­va­tion the growth stra­tegy, with parti­cu­lar focus on further conso­li­da­ting its leader­ship posi­tion in Europe and acce­le­rate global expan­sion. Will­kie advi­sed on all aspects of the tran­sac­tion, KNPZ Rechts­an­wälte advi­sed on IP issues.

Advi­sors to Bregal Mile­stone : Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP
The Will­kie team was led by part­ner Dr. Matthias Schudlo (Corpo­rate) and Miriam Steets, photo (Coun­sel, Corpo­rate, both Frank­furt) and included part­ner Georg Linde (Corpo­rate, Frank­furt), coun­sel Wulf Kring (Tax) and Matthias Töke (Finance, both Frank­furt) and asso­cia­tes Dr.Erik Göretz­leh­ner and Ilie Manole (both Corpo­rate), Dr. Nadine Kramer and Martin Waśkow­ski (both Labor Law) and Philip Thür­mer (Real Estate, all Frankfurt).

KNPZ Rechts­an­wälte advi­sed on IP issues:
The KNPZ team included part­ner Dr. Kai-Uwe Plath and asso­cia­tes Jan Schä­fer, Matthias Struck, Niko­laus Schmidt-Hamkens and Dr. Enno ter Haze­borg (all Hamburg).

About Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP
Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP is an inter­na­tio­nal law firm of more than 850 lawy­ers with offices in New York, Washing­ton, Hous­ton, Palo Alto, San Fran­cisco, Chicago, Paris, London, Frank­furt, Brussels, Milan and Rome.


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