
Stutt­gart — TRUMPF Venture II GmbH (“TRUMPF Venture”) made an invest­ment of 13 million euros in the Series D finan­cing round of Munich-based medtech company iThera Medi­cal GmbH (“iThera Medi­cal”). TRUMPF Venture recei­ved legal and tax advice on this tran­sac­tion from Heuking Part­ner in Stutt­gart. In addi­tion to TRUMPF Venture, exis­ting inves­tors such as Bayern Kapi­tal again parti­ci­pa­ted with money from the Bava­rian Growth Fund. Further invest­ments were made by the Euro­pean Coun­cil Fund of the EU Commis­sion, Mey Capi­tal Matrix and Fluxu­nit. The company intends to use the capi­tal to deve­lop its own diagno­stic product to market matu­rity and to obtain regu­la­tory appr­oval in Europe and the USA.

TRUMPF Venture is a stra­te­gic as well as corpo­rate venture capi­tal inves­tor specia­li­zing in the promo­tion of promi­sing start-ups in the indus­try world­wide. TRUMPF Venture posi­ti­ons itself as a long-term deve­lo­p­ment part­ner. TRUMPF Venture usually seeks mino­rity stakes of between five and 25 percent.

iThera Medi­cal is a start-up for optoa­cou­stic imaging in medi­cal diagno­stics. A new deve­lo­p­ment of the company is the so-called MSOT tech­no­logy (Multis­pec­tral Optoa­cou­stic Tomo­gra­phy). Through this tech­no­logy, dise­ase patterns such as cancer or fibro­sis can be diagno­sed. By conver­ting light energy into sound waves, diffe­rent types of tissue in the body can thus be charac­te­ri­zed, diffe­ren­tia­ted and displayed in 3D images.

iThera Medi­cal was foun­ded in 2010 as a spin-off of Helm­holtz Zentrum München.

Advi­sors to Trumpf Venture GmbH: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Dr. Hermann Ali Hinde­rer, LL.M. (lead), Anika Lisa Dasch­mann (both Private Equity / Venture Capi­tal), Antje Münch, LL.M. (IP), all Stuttgart;
Laura-Feli­cia Bokranz, LL.M. (Univer­sity of Cape Town), Chris­toph Hexel (both Labor Law), both Düssel­dorf; Cécile Corbet, LL.M. (Patent Law), Frankfurt;
Dr. Martin Schel­len­berg (Public Law), Dr. Sarah Slavik-Schulz (Tax Law), both Hamburg

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