Photo: Early-stage blockchain fund Signature Ventures has offices in Munich and Berlin

Seed round: USD 1.7 million for AML/KYC compliance provider Notabene

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
Photo: Early-stage block­chain fund Signa­ture Ventures has offices in Munich and Berlin
More news
25. Novem­ber 2020

Munich / Dela­ware — The fintech startup specia­li­zing in block­chain compli­ance solutions
Dela­­ware-basedNota­bene has raised a seed funding round of USD 1.7
million comple­ted. The panel was led by block­chain and
Fintech inves­tors Castle Island Ventures and Green Visor Capi­tal from the
USA. As a Euro­pean inves­tor from the very begin­ning, the early-stage
Block­chain fund Signa­ture Ventures, based in Munich and Berlin, has already
inves­ted in the company since July of this year.

Nota­bly, block­chain enables compa­nies such as crypto exch­an­ges to meet the increasingly
to meet new compli­ance requi­re­ments. The plat­form makes it possi­ble for
Compli­ance depart­ments consider­a­bly easier and more cost-effective,
Risk-based moni­to­ring of tran­sac­tions for KYC stan­dards and possi­ble money laundering.
check The inter­na­tio­nal company with head­quar­ters in the USA and the
Switz­er­land was foun­ded at the begin­ning of 2020 by an indus­­try-expe­ri­en­­ced and diverse
Foun­ding team estab­lished from Europe, the USA and South America

About Signa­ture Ventures
Block­chain marks the next step in the evolu­tion of digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion by shif­ting the para­digm from centra­li­zed data silos to decen­tra­li­zed, open data flows with the user at the heart of it.
As a dedi­ca­ted Block­chain fund with top-level indus­try experts, we are firmly rooted in the crypto commu­nity. We have access to an exten­sive ecosys­tem linking key Block­chain indus­try play­ers, VCs, corpo­ra­tes and acade­mics to connect and acce­le­rate our port­fo­lio compa­nies with the best busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties. Our vast indus­try exper­tise and network makes us attrac­tive for highly specia­li­zed start­ups and foun­ders who are looking for smart money.

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