
Munich — The Munich-based secu­rity company sdm SE achie­ves an IPO. A total of 336,060 shares were placed at a unit price of 3.50 euros per share. The shares origi­nate enti­rely from a capi­tal increase. As a result, sdm recei­ved gross issue proceeds of 1,176,210 euros. With the capi­tal from the IPO, sdm intends to imple­ment its M&A stra­tegy and acce­le­rate growth.

The share is expec­ted to be listed on the Düssel­dorf Stock Exch­ange from Novem­ber 3, 2021. In addi­tion, sdm is aiming for an Xetra listing. The issuing compa­n­ion is Wege­rich, Prof. Dr. Hofmann, Zanti­o­tis & Söhne AG.

sdm SE is the holding company of the opera­ting subsi­dia­ries sdm Sicher­heits­dienste München and W&W Dienst­leis­tun­gen. Foun­ded in 1999, the group is one of the leading secu­rity service provi­ders in the Munich metro­po­li­tan region. sdm specia­li­zes in plant and property protec­tion, trans­port of valu­ables and money as well as the orga­niza­tion of events and perso­nal protec­tion. The more than 300 employees have exten­sive know­ledge in the areas of first aid and fire protec­tion and receive regu­lar trai­ning. In 2020, sdm gene­ra­ted sales of 10.4 million euros and an opera­ting profit of 0.88 million euros.

Advi­sors to sdm SE: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Dr. Thors­ten Kuthe, Photo (Lead Part­ner, PArt­ner Capi­tal Markets Law), Colo­gne, Made­leine Zipperle, Colo­gne, Meike Dres­ler-Lenz, Colo­gne, Anna Rich­ter, LL.M., Colo­gne, Ebru Köroglu, Cologne

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