
SCP Group sells real Group to family office Tischendorf and a real team

Photo: Dr. Cris­tina Weid­ner, Part­ner at Clif­ford Chance in Frank­furt a. Main
6. July 2022

Munich — SCP Group has sold real Group to the family office of the Tisch­endorf family of entre­pre­neurs and a team of real Group mana­gers. Inter­na­tio­nal law firm Clif­ford Chance advi­sed SCP Group (SCP) and real Group on the complex dive­st­ment process of retailer real.

Since the purchase of real Group by inves­tor SCP from METRO AG in June 2020, real Group has under­ta­ken far-reaching measu­res for the dispo­sal of loca­ti­ons to compe­ti­tors in the food indus­try and the trans­for­ma­tion of its opera­ting busi­ness, which were accom­pa­nied by Clif­ford Chance.

The dive­st­ment of the remai­ning 63 sites was contrac­tually agreed in Decem­ber 2021 and comple­ted on July 1, 2022. In addi­tion to the actual tran­sac­tion, Clif­ford Chance also advi­sed on a new supply rela­ti­onship with REWE and a complex carve-out of parts of the real Group in prepa­ra­tion for the change of ownership.

The new owners of the real Group are the family office of the Tisch­endorf entre­pre­neu­rial family and a team of mana­gers from the real Group. The successful comple­tion of the tran­sac­tion as the final step in the trans­for­ma­tion process means that real stores can now conti­nue to operate under the new brand name “mein real” at 63 loca­ti­ons across Germany.

On the side of the purcha­sers, the tran­sac­tion was compre­hen­si­vely accom­pa­nied by the law firm act legal Germany (AC Tisch­endorf Rechtsanwälte).

The Clif­ford Chance team advi­sing SCP and real Group was led by part­ner Dr. Cris­tina Weid­ner (Restruc­tu­ring & Insol­vency, Frank­furt) and part­ner Frede­rik Mühl (Corporate/Private Equity, Frankfurt).

About Clif­ford Chance

Clif­ford Chance, one of the world’s leading law firms, is present for its clients with around 3,400 legal advi­sors in all major busi­ness centers around the world.
In Germany, Clif­ford Chance is repre­sen­ted by around 300 lawy­ers, audi­tors, tax advi­sors and soli­ci­tors in Düssel­dorf, Frank­furt am Main and Munich.

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