
Rödl & Partner takes over OSB hospital management consultancy

Cate­gory: Deals
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13. Novem­ber 2019

Colo­gne — Rödl & Part­ner has acqui­red the Sieg­­burg-based consul­ting firm OSB Kran­ken­haus-Mana­ge­­men­t­­be­ra­­tung GmbH as of Nov. 1, 2019. With this acqui­si­tion, Rödl & Part­ner is consis­t­ently pursuing its Digi­tal Agenda and expan­ding its consul­ting port­fo­lio in the health­care sector to include smart digi­tal solu­ti­ons for linking medi­cine and economics.

The acqui­si­tion of the Sieg­­burg-based company is also being made in anti­ci­pa­tion of one of the biggest chal­lenges facing the hospi­tal land­scape, the future nursing budget 2020. In paral­lel, a future-proofing offen­sive for hospi­tals is being laun­ched. The smart solu­ti­ons for hospi­tal opera­tors include, for exam­ple, offers for clari­fy­ing the neces­sary perfor­­mance-adapted and effi­ci­ent staff deploy­ment or for setting up process controls and effec­tive perfor­­mance-adapted staff deve­lo­p­ment strategies.

“We are very plea­sed about the inte­gra­tion of OSB Kran­ken­haus-Mana­ge­­men­t­­be­ra­­tung GmbH. Its combi­na­tion of medi­cal exper­tise and digi­tal compe­tence makes it a perfect addi­tion to our range of services,” comm­ents Part­ner Bernd Vogel, Head of the Health and Social Economy Divi­sion, on the acquisition.

Tim Schil­ling, son of the company’s foun­der Dr. Hagen Schil­ling, adds: “We have put our heart and soul and all our energy into the product port­fo­lio and we are looking forward to further deve­lo­ping our ideas and exis­ting tools with a strong company like Rödl & Part­ner behind us”.

About OSB Kran­ken­haus-Mana­ge­­men­t­­be­ra­­tung GmbH
The company OSB Kran­ken­haus­ma­nage­ment­be­ra­tung GmbH was foun­ded over 20 years ago by Hagen Schil­ling, MD. The company is charac­te­ri­zed by a unique combi­na­tion of medi­cal exper­tise, busi­ness exper­tise and high digi­tal affi­nity. As a result, OSB has made a name for itself as a premium consul­tant in the field of hospi­tal struc­tu­ral consul­ting and stands out above all for its smart digi­tal solu­ti­ons in bench­mar­king for hospi­tals. In addi­tion to Dr. Schil­ling, his sons Tim and Jan Schil­ling have also played a key role in shaping the company’s fortu­nes as medi­cal econo­mists in recent years. Inno­va­tive self-deve­­lo­­ped IT solu­ti­ons combi­ned with in-depth insights into the heart of ever­y­day hospi­tal life create a unique know-how.

About Rödl & Partner
The agile caret­a­ker for medium-sized global market leaders. As lawy­ers, tax advi­sors, busi­ness and IT consul­tants and audi­tors, we are repre­sen­ted at 111 of our own loca­ti­ons in 50 count­ries. Our clients trust our 4,900 colle­agues worldwide.

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