
PropTech startup Seniovo receives further funding of 2 million euros

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2. August 2019

Berlin — PropTech startup Seniovo is now raising a further €2 million in Series A growth capi­tal follo­wing its seed round in Octo­ber 2018. PropTech1 Ventures and IBB Betei­li­gungs­ge­sell­schaft are lead inves­tors. Seniovo accom­pa­nies persons in need of care along the entire process of age-appro­priate and barrier-free conver­sion measu­res of their apart­ments or houses.

Due to the posi­tive momen­tum — for exam­ple, Seniovo achie­ved sales growth of over 250% (Q1 2018 to Q1 2019) — all exis­ting lead inves­tors of the seed round, i.e. the venture capi­tal fund PropTech1 Ventures, which specia­li­zes in inno­va­tions in the real estate indus­try, IBB Betei­li­gungs­ge­sell­schaft and the German Media Pool with its print media part­ners, are parti­ci­pa­ting again. New inves­tors in the round include other real estate entre­pre­neurs with rele­vant care expertise.

The issue of demo­gra­phic change in society and the corre­spon­ding increase in the need for care is one of the key social chal­lenges of our time. Today, 18 million inha­bi­tants of Germany are alre­ady 65 years and older. 3 million people in this coun­try are in need of care. By 2060, seni­ors will make up one-third of Germany’s popu­la­tion. Seniovo’s goal is to enable a steadily incre­asing propor­tion of people in need of care to remain in their own homes.

As a one-stop cont­act, the Berlin PropTech startup offers target-group-speci­­fic advice on its online plat­form and digi­ti­zes the entire appli­ca­tion and imple­men­ta­tion process, inclu­ding the imple­men­ta­tion of the measu­res on site with its own craft­smen or the media­tion of certi­fied part­ners. In many cases, persons in need of care do not have to make any addi­tio­nal payment of private funds in this regard. For exam­ple, Seniovo’s success rate in submit­ting grant appli­ca­ti­ons for those in need of long-term care is 95%. Seniovo has alre­ady been able to help more than 500 people successfully rebuild their homes.

Anja Rath (photo), Mana­ging Part­ner of PropTech1 Ventures, comm­ents on the rene­wed invest­ment decis­ion: “Seniovo is one of the very few start­ups that promi­ses both an econo­mic and a social return. We are plea­sed to once again contri­bute to its further deve­lo­p­ment with a strong syndi­cate of co-investors.”

Jona­than Kohl, CEO & Foun­der of Seniovo, adds: “With the freshly raised growth capi­tal, we want to open up further regi­ons as well as launch new products. Most importantly, further digi­tiza­tion of proces­ses and expan­sion of our B2B busi­ness will also further increase both growth and efficiency.”

About PropTech1
A group of entre­pre­neurs led by real estate expert Marius Marschall and the COOPERATIVA Venture Group has taken on the task of acting as a sector-speci­­fic VC to provide the most promi­sing Euro­pean PropTech start­ups with capi­tal, even in their early stages, and to foster stra­te­gic part­ner­ships and syner­gies through a tightly knit network into the tradi­tio­nal real estate industry.

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