
Proptech Seniovo closes financing round

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
2. Octo­ber 2018

Berlin — Berlin-based start-up Seniovo has recei­ved a seven-figure sum from its inves­tors in an early-stage finan­cing deal. The venture capi­tal fund PropTech1 Ventures, the holding company of the Berli­ner Inves­ti­ti­ons­bank (IBB) and the German Media Pool with its print media part­ners have participated.

Senio­vo­eine offers a one-stop solu­tion for acces­si­ble remo­de­ling and has digi­ti­zed the entire process needed to make a resi­den­tial property acces­si­ble, from provi­ding infor­ma­tion to occu­pants to apply­ing for health insu­rance subsi­dies to hiring trade­speo­ple. In doing so, Seniovo not only places these profes­sio­nals, but also acts as a gene­ral contrac­tor to respon­si­bly over­see the conver­sion of the property. In addi­tion to the capi­tal, Seniovo gains access to discoun­ted adver­ti­sing oppor­tu­ni­ties in local news­pa­pers through the German Media Pool, which play a major role in the company’s stra­tegy as a chan­nel of cont­act with the older population.

The PropTech startup enables people in need of care to remain living at home by provi­ding age-appro­priate and barrier-free remo­de­ling services — in many cases without co-payments of private funds.

Anja Rath (photo), Mana­ging Part­ner of PropTech1 Ventures, comm­ents on the invest­ment decis­ion: “Seniovo offers a service with an urgent and steadily growing need. The busi­ness model is attrac­tive and scalable. On top of that, we are very happy to support Seniovo, a company that makes an important social contri­bu­tion and makes barrier-free conver­sion much easier, espe­ci­ally for those who are alre­ady very busy with caring for rela­ti­ves or patients.”

Chris­tian Seegers, Senior Invest­ment Mana­ger of IBB Betei­li­gungs­ge­sell­schaft, adds: “Seniovo is a prime exam­ple of the compa­nies we are looking for: The Berlin-based team around Jona­than Kohl and Justus Klocke has foun­ded a fast-growing startup, convin­ced private capi­tal of their busi­ness model and also offers important social added value. The care market offers inno­va­tive start­ups excel­lent growth oppor­tu­ni­ties and we are plea­sed to be able to support Seniovo with our exper­tise in the care market.”

Jona­than Kohl, CEO & Co-Foun­­der of Seniovodescri­bes the added value of the VC invest­ment: “The inves­tor consor­tium has proven to be very valuable from day 1. With PropTech1, we have gained our dream inves­tor, whose part­ners them­sel­ves bring count­less years of expe­ri­ence as entre­pre­neurs, giving us not only capi­tal but also acce­le­ra­ted access to wide circles in the real estate indus­try. IBB Betei­li­gungs­ge­sell­schaft alre­ady has seve­ral successful invest­ments in the care market and brings deep market know­ledge from which we can benefit.”

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