Photo: Peter Dubens, Managing Partner at Oakley Capital in London (UK)

Oakley Capital acquires Windstar Medical from ProSiebenSat.1

Photo: Peter Dubens, Mana­ging Part­ner at Oakley Capi­tal in London (UK)
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22. Octo­ber 2020

Oakley Capi­tal (“Oakley”) announ­ced today that Oakley has ente­red into an agree­ment to acquire Wind­Star Medi­cal GmbH (“Wind­Star Medi­cal”) from ProSiebenSat.1 majo­rity-owned NuCom Group.

Wind­Star Medi­cal is the leading German consu­mer health­care company for over-the-coun­­ter (OTC) health­care products. The plat­form expects sales of more than 120 million euros from the deve­lo­p­ment and distri­bu­tion of bran­ded and private-label products in the current year. It has an exten­sive history of success in deve­lo­ping and estab­li­shing premium formu­la­ti­ons and brands.

In this context, Wind­Star Medical’s Consu­mer Brands divi­sion offers a wide range of high-growth premium bran­ded products in Germany, inclu­ding SOS (wound care/disinfectants), Zirku­lin (treat­ment of gastro­in­testi­nal complaints), Green­doc (mental well-being) and EyeMe­dica (eye health). Wind­Star also produ­ces private-label products for leading German drugs­to­res and super­mar­kets, while deve­lo­ping inter­na­tio­nal distri­bu­tion through exis­ting and new partners.

Wind­Star Medi­cal is bene­fiting from the long-term struc­tu­ral growth of the German consu­mer health market. This growth is being driven in parti­cu­lar by demo­gra­phic trends, such as the aging popu­la­tion, a shift in consu­mer demand due to increased aware­ness regar­ding physi­cal and mental well-being, and a willing­ness among the popu­la­tion to prevent dise­ase. As part of its invest­ment, Oakley will help the company’s manage­ment team conti­nue its growth trajec­tory, realize product inno­va­tion, incre­asingly digi­tize the busi­ness and iden­tify attrac­tive acqui­si­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties that can acce­le­rate the company’s growth.

The invest­ment in Wind­Star Medi­cal conti­nues Oakley’s track record of inves­t­ing in leading B2C plat­forms in the DACH region. Invest­ments alre­ady made include Veri­vox, Parship Elite and most recently Wish­card Tech­no­lo­gies and 7NXT / Gymondo. With its asset-light busi­ness model, indus­­try-leading opera­tio­nal capa­bi­li­ties and attrac­tive growth pros­pects, the company now acqui­red fits the ideal tran­sac­tion profile for Oakley.

Peter Dubens (pictu­red), Mana­ging Part­ner at Oakley Capi­tal, said:

“Wind­Star Medi­cal is a unique plat­form for OTC health­care products with a very attrac­tive market posi­tion, whose deve­lo­p­ment and manage­ment team Oakley has closely follo­wed over the past years. We look forward to working with the team and will use our exten­sive expe­ri­ence in digi­ta­liza­tion, go-to-market as well as M&A to help Wind­Star further acce­le­rate its growth trajec­tory both dome­sti­cally and internationally.”

About Oakley Capital
Oakley Capi­tal is a private equity firm with more than €3 billion in assets under manage­ment focu­sed on Western Europe. Oakley invests in middle-market compa­nies across the region in three core sectors — consu­mer, educa­tion and technology.

Oakley’s entre­pre­neu­rial mind­set and deep indus­try know­ledge allows him to iden­tify speci­fic invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and gene­rate supe­rior returns. The Oakley team works closely with a unique network of entre­pre­neurs and successful manage­ment teams to access primary proprie­tary invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and gain valuable insights into the busi­ness models in which it invests. The ability to over­come comple­xity and a flexi­ble approach to value crea­tion enable Oakley to help its port­fo­lio compa­nies achieve sustainable growth.

About Wind­Star Medical
Wind­Star Medi­cal Group deve­lops compa­nies in the exten­ded health­care market. The Group’s busi­ness units are accom­pa­nied on their deve­lo­p­ment path and in their inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion. Wind­Star Medical’s mission is to quickly and consis­t­ently build market leaders who can assert them­sel­ves as inde­pen­dent compa­nies in their markets. The company head­quar­ters are loca­ted in Wehr­heim in the Taunus region. Let’s improve quality of life! — This is the driving force and moti­va­tion of the more than 120 employees of the group of compa­nies. For more infor­ma­tion, visit: About the busi­ness units of the Wind­Star Medi­cal Group: Districon GmbH — Global Power Brands made for you!, Dr. Kleine Pharma GmbH — Part­ne­ring Services — from the idea to the point of sale!

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