
Stock­holm — Trill Impact, an inde­pen­dent private invest­ment firm backed by Nordea Asset Manage­ment (NAM), has closed its first Impact Mid-Market Buyout Fund (“the Fund”) follo­wing $900 million in place­ments by promi­nent insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors world­wide. One of the largest first-time funds raised by an inde­pen­dent invest­ment firm during the global pandemic.

Trill Impact was foun­ded in 2019 by Jan Ståhl­berg (photo ) with support from Nordea Asset Manage­ment (NAM). Today, it is one of the largest specia­li­zed impact invest­ment houses in Europe, with more than $1 billion in assets under manage­ment across its private equity and micro­fi­nance invest­ment advi­sory stra­te­gies. This will combine the exten­sive private equity expe­ri­ence of the Trill Impact team with NAM’s deep exper­tise in impact analy­sis and fund­rai­sing capa­bi­li­ties to bring best-of-breed private impact invest­ments to market.

Through its stra­te­gic part­ner­ship with Nordea Asset Manage­ment, a pioneer and market leader in respon­si­ble invest­ment, Trill Impact works with NAM’s Respon­si­ble Invest­ment team and NAM’s global Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons (IR) and Fund­rai­sing team across Europe and over­seas markets.

Although the fund­rai­sing occur­red at unpre­ce­den­ted times during the global pande­mic, the fund is one of the largest in terms of capi­tal commit­ments raised by an emer­ging mana­ger since the global finan­cial crisis. It is also one of the largest first-time funds raised by an inde­pen­dent invest­ment firm during the global pandemic.

Since the fund’s incep­tion, four tran­sac­tions have been comple­ted by the fund, all targe­ted invest­ments in Nort­hern Europe aimed at gene­ra­ting returns in private equity markets and lasting, measura­ble impact. Trill Impact embarks on a jour­ney with port­fo­lio company manage­ment teams to nurture and trans­form compa­nies to reach their full impact potential.

The fund’s advi­sory board consists of, among others, AP4 (Fourth Swedish Natio­nal Pension Fund), AP6 (Sixth Swedish Natio­nal Pension Fund), Alli­anz Global Inves­tors, New York Life Insu­rance Company, Lucie and André Chagnon Foun­da­tion, Velliv, Pension & Livs­for­sik­ring A/S and Nordea Life & Pensions.

“Our mission was to gene­rate reve­nue with accoun­ta­bi­lity. That’s what has driven our busi­ness with Trill Impact. By joining our respec­tive forces, we aim to provide inves­tors with world-class private equity and ESG exper­tise, as well as the oppor­tu­nity to parti­ci­pate in the change they find meaningful in the world. We are plea­sed that many promi­nent inves­tors have reco­gni­zed the value of this part­ner­ship and believe that this initial success paves the way for future growth of the Trill Impact offe­ring,” says Nils Bolm­strand, CEO of Nordea Asset Management.

Jan Ståhl­berg, Foun­der and Mana­ging Part­ner of Trill Impact, adds, “My goal for Trill Impact since its incep­tion has been to create a thought leader for posi­tive change through impact inves­t­ing, enab­ling like-minded inves­tors to actively contri­bute to a better world and inspi­ring others to join in. I am convin­ced that toge­ther with Nordea Asset Manage­ment and the fund’s inves­tors, we have now laid the foun­da­tion for future success.”

About Trill Impact

Trill Impact is an impact house with more than €1 billion in assets under manage­ment in its private equity and micro­fi­nance advi­sory stra­te­gies. Trill Impact Advi­sory, the exclu­sive invest­ment advi­sor to the Trill Impact Fund, employs a team of more than 20 expe­ri­en­ced profes­sio­nals based in Sweden and Germany. Driven by a culture with a high sense of urgency, Trill Impact aims to become a force for posi­tive change and achieve its vision of deli­ve­ring real returns and sustainable impact for the bene­fit of inves­tors, busi­nesses and society at large.

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