
Wetz­lar / Kiel / Hamburg — INTRAG Inter­net Regio­nal GmbH (“INTRAG”), a specia­list in regio­nal online marke­ting with a focus on small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses, is to become part of the OMERGY Group (“OMERGY”) as part of a stra­te­gic growth partnership.
With this tran­sac­tion, the inno­va­tive provi­der of online marke­ting products based in Hamburg is expan­ding its service port­fo­lio and streng­thening its market posi­tion in the field of regio­nal online marketing.
Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor, toge­ther with sonn­tag corpo­rate finance one of Germany’s leading M&A advi­sory bouti­ques for medium-sized compa­nies, successfully advi­sed INTRAG on the merger.
Foun­ded in Kiel in 1999, INTRAG specia­li­zes in the marke­ting and provi­sion of online marke­ting services.
It focu­ses in parti­cu­lar on compa­nies that want to expand their local online presence in a targe­ted manner.
INTRAG offers its custo­mers a compre­hen­sive digi­tal service port­fo­lio that includes search engine marke­ting (SEO and SEA) as well as effec­tive online adver­ti­sing in the form of website design and corpo­rate videos.
INTRAG’s core product is the SEO opti­miza­tion of Google busi­ness profiles, supported by a speci­ally programmed SEO tool set and AI-based appli­ca­ti­ons for SEO content crea­tion. Conti­nuing the life’s work With the recent merger of INTRAG and OMERGY, both compa­nies are taking their growth to a new level: by inte­gra­ting INTRAG, the more than 2,100 active OMERGY custo­mers bene­fit from both the digi­tal SEO marke­ting tools and INTRAG’s many years of regio­nal expertise.
OMERGY, form­erly adzLo­cal and majo­rity-owned by Munich-based private equity firm PINOVA Capi­tal since June 2021, uses its unique tech­no­lo­gi­cal plat­form to support local compa­nies throug­hout Germany with a compre­hen­sive online marke­ting mix of Google Ads, website design and cont­act track­ing to acquire new custo­mers, which in turn will bene­fit the appro­xi­m­ately 8,500 INTRAG customers.
The previous INTRAG owners, Burk­hard and Hart­mut Wehr­meyer, are acqui­ring a mino­rity stake in the OMERGY Group as part of the tran­sac­tion and will conti­nue to closely support INTRAG’s further growth under the aegis of OMERGY.
Toge­ther with CEO Simone Baade-Doerf­ner and COO Cars­ten Schmidt, Hart­mut Wehr­meyer will help shape the Group’s product port­fo­lio as CPO and new member of the OMERGY manage­ment board.
“In OMERGY, we have found a part­ner with whom we can lead our company into a promi­sing, high-growth future. A merger from which both sides will bene­fit signi­fi­cantly. I look forward to accom­pany­ing the next steps of the part­ner­ship and thus promo­ting the growth of INTRAG and OMERGY,” explains Hart­mut Wehr­meyer, former owner and Mana­ging Direc­tor of INTRAG.
“The market for digi­tal marke­ting is growing rapidly — and the incre­asing use of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence is natu­rally fueling this deve­lo­p­ment further. Digi­tal marke­ting tools are ther­e­fore beco­ming incre­asingly important for compa­nies across all sectors. With the merger, both compa­nies are ideally posi­tio­ned to bene­fit from these market oppor­tu­ni­ties in the long term,” comm­ents David Weid­mann, Part­ner and respon­si­ble Project Mana­ger at Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor. About Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor and sonn­tag corpo­rate finance Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor GmbH, toge­ther with sonn­tag corpo­rate finance GmbH, is one of the leading M&A consul­ting firms in the German SME sector. The team of almost 30 experts accom­pa­nies medium-sized entre­pre­neurs exclu­si­vely through the entire sales process. “Our task is to safe­guard life’s work,” is how we see oursel­ves. In doing so, custo­mers bene­fit from a unique approach that has won multi­ple awards from the busi­ness press, and which protects the iden­tity of their compa­nies to a special degree. Thanks to their excel­lent access to medium-sized compa­nies, Nach­fol­ge­kon­tor and sonn­tag corpo­rate finance have also estab­lished them­sel­ves as a strong part­ner at the side of renow­ned natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal major compa­nies and inves­tors in acqui­si­ti­ons. This is also demons­tra­ted by the top posi­tion recently achie­ved at the Merger­mar­ket League Table. With a total of ten accom­pa­nied tran­sac­tions in the first quar­ter of 2024, the M&A consul­tancy ranks first in Germany. | About INTRAG Inter­net Regio­nal GmbH About OMERGY GmbH

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