
My Media Group acquires majority stake in Berlin-based Peak Ace

31. Janu­ary 2019

Paris/ Berlin — My Media Group, the market-leading inde­pen­dent consul­ting and media agency group from France, has acqui­red a 51 percent stake in Peak Ace AG. With more than 20 languages in-house, Peak Ace is Germany’s leading inde­pen­dent perfor­mance marke­ting agency.

The invest­ment in Peak Ace is a signi­fi­cant stra­te­gic step in My Media Group’s inter­na­tio­na­liza­tion stra­tegy. It enables the Group to imple­ment high-perfor­­mance campaigns and stra­te­gies for its custo­mers on a global scale, thus opening up new markets and scaling inter­na­tio­nally. With its perfor­mance marke­ting exper­tise, Peak Ace comple­ments the group’s five compa­nies, each of which offers its own unique digi­tal marke­ting solutions:

My Media (direct response TV agency), Eggs (crea­tive agency), Search Fore­sight (SEO agency), GeoVista (local media agency), RoiK (direct response TV agency).

Bastian Grimm, CEO and Direc­tor Orga­nic Search at Peak Ace: “We are very exci­ted to now be a part of My Media Group, a team of extre­mely talen­ted entre­pre­neurs we hold in high regard, who have succee­ded in buil­ding an outstan­ding group of compa­nies. We all share a great passion for deli­ve­ring the best possi­ble results for our custo­mers — in line with our own guiding prin­ci­ple: Deli­ve­ring Perfor­mance! It’s great to have a part­ner with the same ambi­ti­ons who appre­cia­tes the value of a progres­sive culture like ours. We look forward to our future toge­ther and are commit­ted to taking Peak Ace to the next level through our partnership.”

Peak Ace AG, foun­ded in 2007, is an inter­na­tio­nally active perfor­mance marke­ting agency head­quar­te­red in Berlin. More than 110 employees from over 20 nati­ons realize campaigns on a native-spea­ker level. With its tech­­no­­logy-driven approach, Peak Ace AG offers flexi­ble, data-based solu­ti­ons for all rele­vant perfor­mance marke­ting chan­nels from a single source. In this way, the agency enables its clients to use marke­ting spend more effi­ci­ently to operate more profi­ta­bly overall.

Peak Ace’s core busi­ness is perfor­mance marke­ting, which includes paid adver­ti­sing (PPC), orga­nic search (SEO) and content marke­ting, as well as conver­sion rate opti­miza­tion and digi­tal analy­tics. Their inno­va­tive stra­te­gies and campaigns have been awarded the Euro­pean Search Award seve­ral times, inclu­ding for the best SEO campaign. In addi­tion, Peak Ace not only won the “Best Use of Data” cate­gory at the Drum Search Awards, but also recei­ved the pres­ti­gious, cross-cate­­gory “Grand Prix” for its excep­tio­nal perfor­mance. Peak Ace’s custo­mers include inter­na­tio­nally renow­ned brands such as Airbnb, SEPHORA, TÜV Süd, Schü­ler­hilfe, the OTTO Group and A&O Hotels and Hostels.

About My Media Group
My Media Group is a media company respon­si­ble for more than 1 billion euros of media budget annu­ally for its more than 500 custo­mers. A leader in the deve­lo­p­ment of media stra­te­gies aimed directly at custo­mer acqui­si­tion, the company is prima­rily active in e‑commerce. It can boast a market share of more than 40% among pure play­ers and refe­ren­ces such as Triv­ago, Grou­pon, Just Eat or Vistaprint.

With 130 employees, My Media Group has succes­si­vely imple­men­ted seve­ral acqui­si­ti­ons, within which Media­top, Geo Vista, Libre et Change, Synodi­ance and Pygma­lion Media have been successfully inte­gra­ted. In just a few years, My Media Group has become a major refe­rence in its market. To acce­le­rate this deve­lo­p­ment in France and inter­na­tio­nally, it is rely­ing on a stra­tegy based on both orga­nic growth oppor­tu­ni­ties and an ambi­tious exter­nal growth strategy.

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