
Luther advises Lavorel on the sale of the Bonitas Group

22. Febru­ary 2019

Frank­furt a. M. — Luxe­m­­bourg-based Lavorel Medi­care S.A. has sold its holding company Lavorel Medi­care Deutsch­land GmbH, owner of the Herford-based Boni­tas Group, to a company of Advent Inter­na­tio­nal Corpo­ra­tion. A team from Luther Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal support for the transaction.

The Boni­tas Group is one of the largest private nursing services in Germany. The 2018 market leader specia­li­zes in the field of criti­cal care and home respi­ra­tion. The company employs almost 4,500 people and, in addi­tion to provi­ding outpa­ti­ent care, opera­tes assis­ted living commu­ni­ties for seni­ors. Boni­tas Holding now opera­tes 50 nursing services, 44 resi­den­tial groups, 6 assis­ted living faci­li­ties, 2 day care faci­li­ties and 1 nursing home.

The Boni­tas Group with its more than thirty subsi­dia­ries belon­ged to the Luxe­m­­bourg-based Lavorel Group. The latter entrus­ted the Luther team led by part­ner Dr. Oliver Kairies with the mandate, which, toge­ther with Luther’s Luxem­bourg office, provi­ded legal advice to the seller during the pre-struc­­tu­ring of the tran­sac­tion, the imple­men­ta­tion of the struc­tu­red bidding process, the purchase agree­ment nego­tia­ti­ons and the subse­quent anti­trust proceedings.

Advent Inter­na­tio­nal Corpo­ra­tion with its port­fo­lio company Deut­sche Fach­­pflege-Gruppe finally prevai­led as the bidder.

For Lavorel Medi­care S.A.: Luther
Corpo­rate / M&A: Dr. Oliver Kairies (lead), Dr. Thomas Halber­kamp, Dr. Thomas Kuhnle, Jens Röhr­bein, Dr. Sebas­tian Rabe, Dr. Daniel Schub­mann, Dr. Karina Wojto­wicz, Stefan Tolksdorf
Luther, Medi­cal Law / Regu­la­tory: Dr. Hendrik Sehy, Fran­ces Wolf
Luther, Real Estate: Achim Meier, Katha­rina von Hermanni, Irene Nezer-Kasch, Chris­tiane Struppek
Luther, Commer­cial: Jens-Uwe Heuer-James, Dr. Kuuya Chibanguza
Luther, IP / IT: Dr. Kay Oelschlä­gel, Dr. Chris­tian Rabe
Luther, Labor Law: Prof. Dr. Robert von Steinau-Stein­rück, Dr. Hilmar Rölz
Luther, Anti­trust Law: Dr. Helmut Jans­sen, LL.M.
Luther Luxem­bourg: Eric Sublon, Marie Sinni­ger, Michaela Ludowicy

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