Photo: Logsta founders Dominik Bieringer, Georg Weiß and Christoph Glatzl f.l.

Logsta secures 7‑figure investment from Round2 Capital

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
Photo: Logsta foun­ders Domi­nik Bier­in­ger, Georg Weiß and Chris­toph Glatzl f.l.
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10. Febru­ary 2021

Vienna/Leobersdorf — Logsta, the logi­stics scale-up from Austria, with warehouse loca­ti­ons in Austria, Germany, UK and USA, impro­ves the effi­ci­ency of logi­stics proces­ses many times over with its highly inno­va­tive IT plat­form. For the company with over 860 satis­fied custo­mers like NEOH and Novrit­sch, the new year starts with posi­tive invest­ment news. The company secu­res a 7‑digit finan­cing from the Vien­nese invest­ment fund for growth finan­cing, Round2 Capi­tal, in order to conquer further inter­na­tio­nal markets and expand the IT plat­form, among other things. The high­light: Logsta does not give away shares in the company as usual, but instead Round2 Capi­tal parti­ci­pa­tes in the company’s sales until a prede­fi­ned upper limit has been reached.

Many people today rely — full-time or part-time — on e‑commerce to sell their products. Howe­ver, many SMBs, sole proprie­tors and start­ups invol­ved in e‑commerce that only distri­bute small quan­ti­ties or have special or crea­tive pack­a­ging needs often face the diffi­culty of finding a logi­stics company willing to work with them and provide a digi­ti­zed logi­stics process solu­tion for busi­nesses of any size. Georg Weiß, Chris­toph Glatzl and Domi­nik Bier­in­ger reco­gni­zed this in 2017 and laun­ched the logi­stics startup Logsta.

The goal of the three foun­ders was to support compa­nies that were simply too small or had too high digi­ta­li­zed requi­re­ments for the clas­sic logi­stics compa­nies with uncom­pli­ca­ted and custo­mi­zed logi­stics services world­wide from a single source and at fair prices: From inno­va­tive IT tools, warehouse loca­ti­ons in the USA, Germany, Austria and England, fast support for world­wide ship­ments to modern e‑fulfillment as well as favorable ship­ping condi­ti­ons. Now outgrown its start-up shoes, the scale-up has over 860 inter­na­tio­nal custo­mers and over 2 million products in its warehou­ses. With the speci­ally deve­lo­ped Logsta-Connec­­tor, custo­mers can control and check their logi­stics world­wide free of charge, it enables 24/7 inven­tory check, expi­ra­tion date manage­ment, batch manage­ment, order status insight and much more.

In order to realize further expan­sion plans, the three foun­ders have raised a 7‑digit euro amount from Round2 Capi­tal, the invest­ment fund for growth finan­cing. The Vienna-based invest­ment fund is a Euro­pean pioneer in reve­­nue-based finan­cing, inves­t­ing in leading scale-ups in the tech­no­logy and soft­ware sectors in Europe. It is a simple, trans­pa­rent and flexi­ble finan­cing instru­ment for compa­nies in the growth phase, which offers non-dilu­­tive finan­cing against reve­nue sharing up to a prede­fi­ned cap. The advi­sor for this growth finan­cing was i5Invest, which sees this measure as an important step for Logsta in terms of scaling and internationalization.

“We have found the ideal part­ner for us in Round2. They convince with their flexi­ble finan­cing solu­tion, which gives us the chance to acce­le­rate our growth and conquer more inter­na­tio­nal markets,” said the foun­ders of Logsta.

Chris­tian Czer­nich, CEO and Co-Foun­­der Round2 Capi­tal Part­ners: “We are impres­sed by the dyna­mism and inge­nuity of the Logsta team. The foun­ders have mana­ged to build a highly inno­va­tive and now globally opera­ting company in a short period of time without exter­nal funding. Logsta’s digi­tal logi­stics solu­ti­ons enable both large and small compa­nies to get their products sold online to the end custo­mer quickly, relia­bly and cost-effectively.”

About Round2 Capi­tal Partners

Round2 Capi­tal is a fast-growing Euro­pean invest­ment firm with €30 million under its manage­ment. The Vienna-based company is a strong part­ner for Euro­pean scale-ups with digi­tal and sustainable busi­ness models. Since its incep­tion in 2017, Round2 Capi­tal has been pionee­ring reve­­nue-based finan­cing in Europe and is active in seve­ral Euro­pean count­ries, with a focus on Germany, Switz­er­land, Austria and the Nordic count­ries. To date, Round2 Capi­tal has inves­ted in 14 diffe­rent compa­nies, with Logsta being the newest company in the port­fo­lio.

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