Photo: FPS Fritze Wicke Seelig Rectsanwälte, Frankfurt

IMTEC is sold to VI-grade / Spectris Group

Photo: FPS Fritze Wicke Seelig Rects­an­wälte, Frankfurt
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4. Janu­ary 2021

Frank­furt a. Main — The foun­ding share­hol­der of IMTEC GmbH, Thomas Schulz, has sold his company to VI-grade GmbH, a German subsi­diary of the Spec­tris Group. IMTEC specia­li­zes in inno­va­tive auto­ma­tion tech­no­logy and simu­la­tors for OEMs in the auto­mo­tive and trans­por­ta­tion sectors as well as for indus­trial compa­nies. The law firm FPS provi­ded legal advice to IMTEC GmbH on the sale of the company to VI-grade GmbH.

“This is a stra­te­gic move for IMTEC and we are very exci­ted about joining VI-grade,” said Thomas Schulz, Mana­ging Direc­tor at IMTEC. “There are many bene­fits to beco­ming part of this global group. VI-grade’s leader­ship team has a strong inte­rest in deve­lo­ping and inves­t­ing in IMTEC’s capa­bi­li­ties, products and highly talen­ted people. As a combi­ned company, we are confi­dent that we can lead the global market for inno­va­tive simu­la­tor products and solutions.”

“IMTEC has been a key part­ner and supplier to VI-grade for many years and this move repres­ents an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity for us to join forces and create a power­house in the vehicle simu­la­tor market,” said Bob Ryan, presi­dent of VI-grade. “By combi­ning VI-grade’s soft­ware pedi­gree and exper­tise with IMTEC’s mecha­tro­nic hard­ware exper­tise and the finan­cial strength of VI-grade’s parent company, Spec­tris plc, VI-grade is posi­tio­ning itself to scale its global simu­la­tor busi­ness more quickly.”

Phil­ipp Weber, M&A Part­ner at law firm FPS, added: “Our multi­di­sci­pli­nary FPS team is deligh­ted with the successful comple­tion of this multi-face­­ted tech M&A tran­sac­tion with an inter­na­tio­nally posi­tio­ned acqui­rer. IMTEC is a great exam­ple of the crea­tion and successful deve­lo­p­ment of inno­va­tive tech­no­logy compa­nies in Germany as an indus­trial and high-tech location.”

About IMTEC GmbH

Foun­ded in 2003 near Berlin, IMTEC deve­lops and manu­fac­tures auto­ma­tion tech­no­logy and simu­la­tors for OEMs in the auto­mo­tive and trans­por­ta­tion sectors as well as for indus­trial companies.

About VI-grade Group

VI-grade is the leading provi­der of best-in-class soft­ware products and services for advan­ced system-level simu­la­tion appli­ca­ti­ons. Toge­ther with a network of selec­ted part­ners, VI-grade also offers revo­lu­tio­nary turn­key solu­ti­ons for static and dyna­mic driving simu­la­ti­ons. Foun­ded in 2005, VI-grade provi­des inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons to opti­mize the deve­lo­p­ment process from concept to sign-off in the trans­por­ta­tion indus­try, prima­rily in the auto­mo­tive, aero­space, motor­cy­cle, motor­sport and rail­road sectors. With offices in Germany, Switz­er­land, Italy, the UK, Japan, China and the USA and a world­wide chan­nel network of more than 20 trus­ted part­ners, VI-grade is a dyna­mic and growing company with a highly skil­led tech­ni­cal team. VI-grade is part of Spec­tris, which is head­quar­te­red in Egham / Surrey, UK and employs appro­xi­m­ately 9000 people in over 30 countries.

Advi­sor to the foun­ding share­hol­ders of IMTEC GmbH: FPS Fritze Wicke Seelig, Frankfurt

Phil­ipp Weber, Part­ner, Lead (M&A / Corpo­rate), Kevin Brühl (Corpo­rate / Finance), Diet­rich Sammer (Real Estate and Cons­truc­tion), Dr. Marco Wende­roth (Labor), John Bütt­ner (Tax), Advi­sor VI-grade / Spec­tris Group, Addle­shaw Goddard (Germany) LLP;

Advi­sor VI-grade / Spec­tris Group: Addle­shaw Goddard (Germany) LLP

Dr. Huber­tus Schrö­der, Part­ner, Lead Part­ner (M&A / Corporate)
Helge Hein­rich, Part­ner (Anti­trust Law)
Dr. Jan-Oliver Schrotz, Part­ner (Regu­la­tory)
Jens Peters, Part­ner (Labor Law)
Dr. Staf­fan Wegdell, Part­ner (Commer­cial), Caro­lyn Kram­pitz, Part­ner (Commer­cial)
Dr. Nata­lia Ilye­vich (Corpo­rate / M&A)
Yves Alex­an­der Wolff (IP / Commercial)
Dr. Eva Lotte Stöckel (Finance / Real Estate)

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