
Idinvest Digital Fund: Final Closing at 350 Million Euros

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22. Octo­ber 2019

Paris/Frankfurt am Main — Idin­vest Part­ners, the Euro­pean invest­ment firm specia­li­zing in the SME segment, has announ­ced the successful final closing of its third fund focu­sed on the digi­tal economy, Idin­vest Digi­tal Fund III, at €350 million. The fund thus exceeds its origi­nal target volume of 300 million euros. In addi­tion, Digi­tal Fund III signi­fi­cantly exceeds its predecessor’s volume of 154 million euros.

The fund, which is mana­ged by a nine-person invest­ment team, includes a number of new inves­tors from Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America. In addi­tion, a large number of inves­tors who had alre­ady inves­ted in Digi­tal Fund II also participated.

The new fund has alre­ady inves­ted €85 million in 15 inno­va­tive and fast-growing compa­nies in the Euro­pean digi­tal economy. These include German tele­me­di­cine startup Tele­Cli­nic, as well as Acinq, Kactus, Octo­ber, Malt Commu­nity, Orni­kar and Meero. They are all shaping tomorrow’s busi­ness models in a wide variety of digi­tal economy sectors: enter­prise soft­ware, fintech, insur­tech, deept­ech (arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, big data, virtual reality, Inter­net of Things, cyber secu­rity) and digi­tal health.

Idin­vest Part­ners is one of the most active conti­nen­tal Euro­pean venture capi­tal (VC) inves­tors. The invest­ment focus is on the digi­tal economy, smart cities and health­care sectors. In Germany, the company has so far inves­ted in ten compa­nies, the current port­fo­lio includes:
Allt­hings, a PropTech company that provi­des digi­tal services that make the daily lives of buil­ding users easier, connect people and improve communication.
Campanda, a plat­form where custo­mers can rent motor­ho­mes world­wide from commer­cial opera­tors and private motor­home owners.
The e‑scooter rental company Circ.
Sunfire, a supplier of rene­wa­ble tech­ni­cal gas and fuel produc­tion equipment.
Tele­me­di­cine company Tele­Cli­nic, which offers around-the-clock video and phone consul­ta­ti­ons with specia­lists and primary care physicians.
Wefox, one of the leading insurtechs that helps consu­mers manage and opti­mize their insu­rance online.

The total volume of Idin­vest Part­ners’ venture capi­tal invest­ments in Germany amounts to 78 million euros. In terms of invest­ment volume and number of port­fo­lio compa­nies, Germany ranks third among the count­ries in which the company has inves­ted in the venture capi­tal sector.

Benoist Gross­mann, Mana­ging Part­ner at Idin­vest Part­ners, said: “The goal of our invest­ment acti­vity is to create an ecosys­tem that provi­des foun­ders with opti­mal deve­lo­p­ment condi­ti­ons. We are ther­e­fore extre­mely plea­sed with the fund­rai­sing success of our team. This success under­lines our exten­sive exper­tise in the digi­tal sector and the trust placed in us by leading insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors and corpo­ra­tes in Europe and internationally.”

Matthieu Baret (photo), Mana­ging Part­ner at Idin­vest Part­ners, added: “The start-up scene in Europe is growing and deve­lo­ping steadily. This offers excel­lent invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, espe­ci­ally in the digi­tal sector. For many years now, Idin­vest Part­ners has been helping the most inno­va­tive and dyna­mic compa­nies in the Euro­pean tech­no­logy sector achieve their goals with a long-term, part­­ner­­ship-based approach that we will conti­nue to follow.”

About Idin­vest Partners
Idin­vest Part­ners is a leading Euro­pean invest­ment firm focu­sed on the mid market. Curr­ently, Idin­vest Part­ners mana­ges assets of around €8 billion with more than 90 employees and has offices in Paris, Frank­furt, Madrid, Shang­hai and Seoul. The company has three busi­ness units: Venture & Growth Capi­tal, Private Debt and Private Funds Group. The company was foun­ded in 1997 as part of the Alli­anz Group and has been inde­pen­dent since 2010. In Janu­ary 2018, Idin­vest Part­ners became part of the Eura­zeo Group. The merger crea­ted a leading global invest­ment company with €17.7 billion in assets under manage­ment (inclu­ding nearly €11.6 billion from invest­ment part­ners) inves­ted in a diver­si­fied port­fo­lio of nearly 400 corpo­rate holdings.

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