
HF Private Debt finances further growth of ICP Group

Cate­gory: Deals
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22. Janu­ary 2019

In connec­tion with the acqui­si­tion of ICP Tran­sac­tion Solu­ti­ons GmbH by Operando Part­ners and other inves­tors, HF Private Debt Fonds, SCSp provi­ded debt finan­cing for the further expan­sion of the ICP Group. The finan­cing volume was not disclosed.

The ICP Group, with loca­ti­ons in Germany, the Nether­lands, Poland and the Czech Repu­blic, opera­tes as one of the leading distri­bu­tors and tech­ni­cal service provi­ders in the dyna­mic market of prepaid solu­ti­ons, which includes not only the clas­sic area of mobile prepaid cards. Rather, prepaid today opens the door for a variety of content provi­ders to distri­bute their products through offline sales chan­nels such as gas stati­ons, grocery stores, and other retail­ers. ICP aims to achieve further growth by broa­de­ning its product and custo­mer base.

HF Debt GmbH acts as exclu­sive advi­sor to the Luxe­m­­bourg-based HF Private Debt fund, SCSp. The fund specia­li­zes in provi­ding private debt finan­cing for small and medium-sized compa­nies (EBITDA between EUR 2–10 million) and provi­des support in the case of growth finan­cing, succes­sion solu­ti­ons and buy-outs by private equity inves­tors. The geogra­phi­cal focus is on German, Western and Nort­hern Euro­pean compa­nies with a history of seve­ral years.

Advi­sors to HF Debt GmbH: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Thomas K. W. Schrell, LL.M. (Lead Part­ner, Banking & Finance), Frankfurt
Anja Harms (Banking & Finance), Frankfurt

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