
Munich — Sanity Group has successfully closed Europe’s largest canna­bis finan­cing round with a Series B finan­cing of EUR 37.6 million. British Ameri­can Tobacco Group led the round, which brings the total invest­ment in Sanity Group to over EUR 100 million. Green­Gate Part­ners assis­ted the Swiss venture capi­tal fund Redal­pine in exten­ding its commitment.

Sanity Group has set a new record in the growing canna­bis indus­try in Europe with a EUR 37.6 million Series B finan­cing round. This round was led by British Ameri­can Tobacco Group through BT DE Invest­ments Inc. listed. In addi­tion, other exis­ting inves­tors have again participated.

Sanity Group is Germany’s leading health and well­ness canna­bis company. Foun­ded in 2018, the company now employs about 120 people in the medi­cal, consu­mer health and scien­ti­fic fields. Sanity Group’s stated goal is to improve the over­all quality of life through medi­ci­nes, medi­cal devices and consu­mer products made from can- nabinoids.

Advi­sor Redal­pine: Green­Gate Part­ners advi­sed the Swiss venture capi­tal fund Redal­pine on the expan­sion of its invest­ment in the finan­cing round.

Green­Gate Part­ners ’ corpo­rate team specia­li­zes, among other things, in the venture capi­tal indus­try. The lawy­ers of Green­Gate Part­ners have been advi­sing Redal­pine for a long time on invest­ments and share­hol­dings in compa­nies in a wide range of industries.

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