Photo: The founders of GoStudent Felix Ohswald (left) and Gregor Müller

GoStudent receives 70 million euros in a Series B round

Photo: The foun­ders of GoStu­dent Felix Ohswald (left) and Gregor Müller
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20. April 2021

Vienna (ÖS) — GoStu­dent recei­ves 70 million euros in fresh money. Led by new inves­tor Coatue toge­ther with exis­ting part­ners Left Lane Capi­tal and DN Capi­tal, GoStu­dent has also successfully comple­ted its next round of finan­cing — raising €70 million in fresh money. In 2020, the lear­ning assis­tance plat­form had been able to coll­ect a total invest­ment of 13.3 million euros.

GoStu­dent with seat in Vienna could to its fifth birth­day its offer for on-line Nach­hilfe, which took its begin­ning from Vienna in the German-spea­king count­ries, at the begin­ning of the year to five further Euro­pean markets expan­ded. The past Corona year has seen a boom in lear­ning plat­forms. The Berlin-based provi­der Gostu­dent also profi­ted, which is now rewarded with a large funding.

Exis­ting and new inves­tors have confi­dence in the digi­tal educa­tion startup’s contin­ued expo­nen­tial growth. This is inten­ded to further advance the inter­na­tio­na­liza­tion of GoStu­dent and streng­then its presence in major tuto­ring markets such as France, Spain, Italy, the UK and Ireland.

Lear­ning assis­tance plat­form aims to become top player in Europe
Turkey and Greece, among others, will follow in the first half of 2021. In addi­tion, GoStu­dent will invest heavily in brand buil­ding and product impro­ve­ment. The ambi­tious goal: GoStu­dent wants to posi­tion itself as a top player in Europe for high-quality educa­tion and make it widely acces­si­ble. By the end of the year, the company plans to be active in at least 15 Euro­pean count­ries and to expand the team to over 800 employees and more than 10,000 tutors.


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