
Gleiss Lutz advises VRM Group on investment in Wetzlardruck

Cate­gory: Deals
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13. June 2018

Wetz­lar — The merger of Wetz­lar­druck GmbH and Gieße­ner Anzei­ger Verlags GmbH, which belongs to the VRM Group, crea­tes the daily news­pa­per publisher with the highest sales and circu­la­tion in Central Hesse. Gleiss Lutz advi­sed Mainz-based VRM Holding GmbH & Co. KG, one of Germany’s widest-reach regio­nal media houses, on its invest­ment in the new company. In addi­tion to the VRM Group, Schnitz­ler Verlags- und Kinne Betei­­li­­gungs-GmbH, based in Wetz­lar, is also a share­hol­der. With this invest­ment, VRM is expan­ding its invol­vement in the media market in Central Hesse and further deve­lo­ping its service struc­ture there.

VRM, based in Mainz, reaches nearly one million readers with its 28 daily news­pa­pers in the Rhine-Main region. The asso­cia­ted Gieße­ner Anzei­ger Group alone achie­ves a daily reach of around 140,000 readers with its daily news­pa­pers, plus adver­ti­sing papers for Central Hesse with a weekly circu­la­tion of around 500,000 copies. VRM also reaches around 1.6 million unique users and over 485,000 social media users.

Zeitungs­gruppe Lahn Dill/Wetzlardruck GmbH is the leading regio­nal media company in western Hesse. The news­pa­per group publishes various regio­nal daily news­pa­pers, which toge­ther reach almost 180,000 readers. The news­pa­per group also publishes two adver­ti­sing news­pa­pers, each with a circu­la­tion of 150,000 copies. The joint Inter­net portal and the news app [m]-news provide constantly updated infor­ma­tion. With over 4 million page views per month, the portal and app reach more than 350,000 unique users.

Advi­sors to VRM Group: Gleiss Lutz
A Gleiss Lutz team led by Dr. Detlef Bauer (Part­ner, Lead, Corporate/M&A) and Dr. Wolf­gang Bosch (Part­ner, Anti­trust, both Frank­furt) provi­ded compre­hen­sive advice to VRM on the transaction.

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